BLINKs Demand Legal Action After Fake Clips Of BLACKPINK Lisa’s “Crazy Horse” Performance Circulate

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BLACKPINK Lisa‘s Crazy Horse performance continues to hit the headlines nearly two months after the show happened.

380808287_319240314094374_864866BLACKPINK’s Lisa | @lalalalisa_m/Instagram

Although no cameras were allowed inside the venue, Lisa shared her own photos of her outfits. It unsurprisingly sent the internet into meltdown as netizens loved her beauty and confidence.

Snapinsta.app_385785976_889031689307932_2568502801688363004_n_1080Lisa’s photos from the show | @lalalalisa_m/Instagram Snapinsta.app_386172474_644786594458691_3231986654133162138_n_1080| @lalalalisa_m/Instagram Snapinsta.app_385794659_1495756104501944_4314979953138599744_n_1080| @lalalalisa_m/Instagram Snapinsta.app_386255073_697207415210597_8543566871190630238_n_1080| @lalalalisa_m/Instagram Snapinsta.app_386467540_2001844913524501_6696251248341751074_n_1080| @lalalalisa_m/Instagram

Yet, although BLINKs loved the pictures and couldn’t get over Lisa’s confidence, the performance has come under scrutiny from media since it happened. BLINKs are trying their hardest to protect Lisa from anything that could damage her reputation.

In particular, on November 9 (KST), netizens noticed that a fake video of the idol was going around. Fans shared that someone had taken an old clip from a Crazy Horse show and had imposed Lisa’s face on it.

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With the video showing moves that might be deemed “Provocative” and “Too sexy” by some netizens, BLINKs were quick to contact the venue and share messages online asking them to take legal action. Not only did it “defame” Lisa, but it was using the venue’s property, which could count as copyright.

While BLINKs are proud of Lisa and her performance, many are worried that others might use the controversies to paint the idol in a bad light.


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