Couple Has Photo Taken By A “Stranger” — Turns Out To Be A Third-Generation Male Idol

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K-Pop idols have plenty of skills, and one that really doesn’t have anything to do with music but is extremely important is the art of taking photos. Whether it’s selfies or of their other members, some idols even have classes in how to take the perfect photo.

356208769_222160280754228_207902BLACKPINK’s Jisoo is a queen of the mirror selfie | @sooyaaa__/Instagram ErdStJpUcAIfS6AWhile taking amazing selfies, SEVENTEEN Mingyu is also a skilled photographer, wowing netizens with photos of his members and things he sees | PLEDIS

Recently, photos have gained attention online after someone was spotted taking photos of a couple, and it seemed like they were abroad. There was no mistaking the fact the person taking the photos was very handsome.

Snapinsta.app_399803258_2338526526338774_8890726237221989840_n_1080 (1)| @d.ddablue/Instagram Snapinsta.app_399827201_181400581629873_6181244352496468937_n_1080| @d.ddablue/Instagram

When netizens looked closer at the photo, they realized it wasn’t just anyone taking the picture… but DAY6‘s Dowoon.

dowoDAY6’s Dowoon | JYP Entertainment

Since debuting, Dowoon has always won the hearts of netizens with his amazing drumming talent but also his soft maknae personality.

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So, it’s not surprising that the idol took time out of a trip to take photos.

Yet, while the couple could’ve easily shared that an idol took their photo, the news gained attention because of Dowoon himself. On November 9 (KST), it was actually Dowoon who shared the photos on his Instagram of him taking the pictures of the couple.


In particular, Dowoon made netizens laugh with the caption as he thanked the couple for trusting him to take their photos, even pretending that he wasn’t an idol but a street photographer from a group called DAY6, with funny hashtags.

Thank you for trusting me, my friend.
I’m good at taking pictures.
I’m a street photographer from a group called #day6 #streetphotographer #fromitaly

— Dowoon

When the photos were posted, the comments were full of netizens’ hilarious reactions, including many wondering if the couple knew they had their photo taken by a famous K-Pop idol.



When it was posted on X…

Netizens also couldn’t hide their LOLs at the post.

If the couple ever finds out they’ve had their photo taken by a celebrity, it would be fun to see their reaction and also see how good the pictures taken by Dowoon are.


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