Netizens Have Mixed Reactions To A “Twinkling Watermelon” Couple

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Netizens have mixed feelings about a new K-Drama couple.

Twinkling Watermelon is an ongoing tvN K-Drama, starring Ryeo Un as Eun Gyeol, Choi Hyun Wook as Ha Lee Chan (also romanized as Ha Yi Chan), Seol In Ah (also romanized as Seol In A) as Choi Se Kyung, and Shin Eun Soo as Yoon Cheong Ah (also romanized as Chung A).

High school student Eun Gyeol (Ryeo Un) has hearing-impaired parents, but he has a gift for music. He is a model student by day and plays the guitar in a band at night. One day, he visits a mysterious musical instruments store and travels to a strange place. There, Eun Gyeol meets Ha Yi-Chan (Choi Hyun-Wook), Choi Se-Kyung (Seol In-A) and Yoon Chung-A (Shin Eun-Soo). They form a band called Watermelon Sugar. Meanwhile, Ha Yi-Chann has a crush on Choi Se-Kyung, who is known as the Cello Goddess of Seowon Arts High School, and tries to win her heart. Yoon Chung-A is hearing-impaired. She is cold and aloof to others.

— AsianWiki

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Viewers have been happily shipping Eun Gyeol’s parents, Lee Chan and Cheong Ah. In fact, we all want them to be our parents now!

Yet, it’s Eun Gyeol’s relationship that has viewers raising their eyebrows.

Eun Gyeol initially became interested in Se Kyung, afraid that his dad would date her instead of his mom, resulting in him and his brother not being born. He did end up falling in love with her sincerely.

The problem is that Se Kyung would be the age of his parents, and he has even met Se Kyung in the present day when she’s grown up, even referring to her as ahjumma.

So, when he first admitted his feelings and kissed her, he beat himself up for it.

But he soon threw caution to the wind, saying he doesn’t care if she’s a middle-aged woman.

I dont care if you are ahjumma, a middle aged woman, I dont care if you are a zombie. Lets stay together.

— Eun Gyeol


Netizens were shocked by this attitude, considering the age gap, and he’s actually a high schooler! Some were creeped out, while others admired his feelings.

Lucky for Eun Gyeol, Se Kyung is actually Se Kyung’s daughter, Eun Yu, from the future, who is close to Eun Gyeol’s age. Still, like viewers, she was shocked to discover he had been flirting with who he believed to be her mother!

If that was not enough, at the end of Episode 14, they realize that Eun Gyeol’s older brother, Eun Ho, and Se Kyung’s daughter have been friendly, exchanging DMs, and he even taught her some sign language. Se Kyung’s daughter is the girl Eun Ho told Eun Gyeol he liked several episodes ago!

Now viewers are questioning if Eun Gyeol will have broken a “bro code” by going after his brother’s girl… or even his best friend’s (his dad’s).


the correct ships are sailing but yi chan is better than me!! | #kdrama #fyp #kdramalover #kdramaedit #kdramaaddict #kdramas #kdramafyp

♬ original sound –

What do you think about the new Twinkling Watermelon couple? Do you ship it?


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