BTS’s RM And BLACKPINK’s Jennie Are Spotted In One Instagram Photo

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When it comes to two of the biggest groups in the world, BTS and BLACKPINK are known by basically everyone. Although there aren’t many interactions between them nowadays, netizens couldn’t get over the unexpected connection leading to BTS’s RM and BLACKPINK’s Jennie crumbs.

EtX-xykWQAAyqg-BTS’s RM 346226491_3516151508672328_2973656609238493679_nBLACKPINK’s Jennie | @jennierubyjane/Instagram

Both idols have always gained attention for their talent, visuals, and charisma whether they’re performing or just during their normal lives.

It seems like while there have rarely (if ever) been any crumbs between RM and Jennie, they have an unexpected connection with each other all because of singer So!YoON!.

361253726_250355874421130_396786So!YoON! | @sleeep__sheeep/Instagram

Recently, So!YoON shared some photos from what looks like a recent show she had at the Olympic Hall.

Snapinsta.app_399965670_868174481300675_5974527997335556968_n_1080| @sleeep__sheeep/Instagram Snapinsta.app_399914616_691789819338111_5246321546597874972_n_1080| @sleeep__sheeep/Instagram 

One of the photos posted showed Jennie with the idol, and it proves that the BLACKPINK idol always goes above and beyond to showcase her support for the people she is close to.

Snapinsta.app_399285847_1086804122205564_310697418503802629_n_1080| @sleeep__sheeep/Instagram

There was also a photo with many Polaroids of the people who attended the event. Of course, eagle-eyed netizens noticed that in one picture, there was a Polaroid of So!YoON with RM and also the one with Jennie.

Snapinsta.app_399323676_700201055403638_6349124166103307531_n_1080| @sleeep__sheeep/Instagram

When the photos were shared, netizens couldn’t hide their excitement that they finally got Jennie and RM crumbs, even if it was indirectly.

Netizens always love seeing BTS x BLACKPINK crumbs, no matter how indirect they are. Considering both Jennie and RM attended the event, maybe they actually had interactions.


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