ARMYs Believe That BTS’s Jungkook Is “Lying” To Them

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BTS‘s Jungkook has the best relationship with ARMYs.

FqCcVZNWIAIJQ9SBTS’s Jungkook | @jungkook.97/Instagram

He always chats with them and isn’t afraid to be honest when he does live broadcasts, which make ARMYs feel closer to him. Yet, ARMYs have “called out” the idol for lying… all because of RM!


Over the years, RM and Jungkook have had the cutest friendship, and it’s no secret that Jungkook even joined BigHit Entertainment all those years ago because he thought the BTS leader was “cool.”




So, it’s easy to assume that Jungkook would always choose RM when it came to it, which is why ARMYs think the group’s youngest member was lying during his recent Stationhead broadcast.

On November 6 (local time), Jungkook went live with ARMYs, and he was asked to pick between RM and ARMYs. While Jungkook seemed to think about the answer for a while, he eventually chose ARMYs.

While some ARMYs joked that RM would be sending many messages to Jungkook about his choice…

Others knew that it would be a different story if either RM was there or it was a live broadcast where we could see his face. In particular, ARMYs pointed out that they knew Jungkook was probably lying and that he would pick RM!

While BTS loves ARMYs, nobody loves BTS as much as the other members, and nobody would blame Jungkook for picking RM.


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