SEVENTEEN’s Jeonghan Reacts Angrily To Sasaeng Calls During A Live Broadcast

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Netizens have raised anger after the members of SEVENTEEN have had an increased number of sasaeng calls during live broadcasts.

F98m1Y9bEAARwm0The members of SEVENTEEN | @pledis_17/Twitter

One of the things fans love about SEVENTEEN is their desire to interact with fans, and one of the ways they do that is through Weverse broadcasts.

Yet, during the past few months, netizens have noticed a rise in the number of times the members get called by “sasaeng” fans during live broadcasts. In particular, many have addressed the unexpected calls, including S.Coups, DK, Mingyu, and Woozi.

Your browser does not support video.S.Coups reaction to getting a call | SEVENTEEN/Weverse 

Hoshi particularly got annoyed during a voice-only live when he kept receiving calls.

In particular, the latest stream of calls during broadcasts happened on November 7 (KST).

SEVENTEEN’s Mingyu and Jeonghan surprised netizens with a live broadcast from leader S.Coups’ house, and during the video, the members had fun eating and drinking.

Your browser does not support video.SEVENTEEN’s Mingyu and Jeonghan (with S.Coups) | SEVENTEEN/Weverse 

Yet, netizens noticed that the screen kept cutting out at moments, which many realized was because the phone was getting calls.

Your browser does not support video.| SEVENTEEN/Weverse 

When it happened while Mingyu was telling a story, when the broadcast returned, Jeonghan was seen to look very angry and even threw his chopsticks to the floor, even calling out what had happened.

Your browser does not support video.| SEVENTEEN/Weverse Your browser does not support video.| SEVENTEEN/Weverse

While SEVENTEEN aren’t the only idols to receive calls, it seems like the members are being interrupted by them during almost every live broadcast they have. The members are being praised for addressing the calls, but many believe they shouldn’t have to worry about their details being sold.


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