Fans Praise SEVENTEEN’s Vernon For Standing Up For Himself Against A Fan’s “Weird” Behavior

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While traditional in-person fan signs have resumed following their suspension during COVID-19 protocols, video fan signs or fan calls have continued, giving fans worldwide a chance to speak with their favorite idols.

These interactions can result in some pretty funny or cute viral moments.

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A recent video call with SEVENTEEN‘s Vernon has attracted attention for all the wrong reasons.

230624-SEVENTEEN-VERNON-at-the-Paris-Fashion-Week-for-KENZO-documents-2(3) (1)SEVENTEEN’s Vernon

During a call set during what appears to be SEVENTEEN’s “Super” promotion period, Vernon is seen chatting with an English-speaking fan who informs the idol that the concept would be Kardashian “referring to the Kardashian family.

The fan speaks exaggeratedly, almost moaning, as she tells Vernon she will “become an adult” in a few days and asks Vernon for a birthday gift.

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Vernon says that he would love to give her a gift if she would stop talking that way. The two laugh, but the fan continues speaking that way and asks Vernon what he thinks of the concept.

He then makes a face, saying he “really dislikes it” as the clip ends.

Vernon’s fan calls are known for being more awkward than the average idol’s, and many were glad to see him put his foot down about something that made him uncomfortable.


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