Top Korean Actor Has The Most Unexpected Crossover With Hollywood Director Steven Spielberg

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Recently, a post on social media surprised netizens as they saw one of Korea’s top actors with the award-winning Hollywood director, Steven Spielberg.

W5AXCCE72QXJ73XF5SIXQ27D7ESteven Spielberg | Caroline Brehman/EPA

On October 30, one of Korea’s top actors Kwon Sang Woo and his wife Son Tae Young were pictured with the iconic Hollywood director, Steven Spielberg.

Snapinsta.app_396893820_722433189938287_7796842900018037074_n_1080Son Tae Young, Steven Spielberg, and Kwon Sang Woo (left to right) | @sontaeyoung_official/Instagram

Kwon Sang Woo and Steven Spielberg were pictured having a conversation.


In her post, Son Tae Young called the meeting more than a mere coincidence and complimented the director’s kind personality.

To call it a coincidence…
Steven Spielberg, the director who has made a mask in the film industry.
Once again, I’m moved by his warmth and kind heart.
Stay healthy for a long, long time.

— Son Tae Young on her Instagram post

The couple is presumed to have run into Steven Spielberg while on a family date. When someone left a comment on the post asking if Kwon Sang Woo was about to enter Hollywood, she responded, “No, that’s not it.”

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Kwon Sang Woo is a popular actor best known for his roles in the comedy film My Tutor Friend and the iconic K-Drama Stairway to Heaven, both in 2003.

stairKwon Sang Woo in “Stairway to Heaven” | SBS

He and Son Tae Young married in 2008, and they have one son and one daughter. They are residing in New York. Steven Spielberg is one of Hollywood’s leading directors, known for countless successful blockbuster films like Jaws (1975), E.T. (1982), Back to the Future (1985), Schindler’s List (1993), Saving Private Ryan (1998), and more.


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