The Top 7 Countries That Streamed The Most K-Pop Music This Year

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K-Pop is making waves worldwide with its catchy tunes and vibrant performances. A report by Luminate sheds light on its growing popularity, revealing that the top 100 K-Pop artists have garnered 90.4 billion Total On-Demand streams globally, marking a 42.2% increase compared to the same period in 2022. Here’s a breakdown of the top 10 countries contributing to these staggering numbers.

kpop-world-mapOld map showing K-Pop’s popularity by global region, for illustrative purposes. | Fandom Research Institue

1. Japan

South Korea’s neighbor leads the pack with a total of 9.7 billion streams in 2023, up from 8.6 billion streams in 2022. This translates to a notable increase of 12.8%.

shinee-japan-concertSHINee’s concert in Japan. | Korea JoongAng Daily

2. United States

The United States follows closely with 9.2 billion streams this year, a substantial jump from 6.6 billion streams last year, marking a 39.4% increase.

aespa-us-concertaespa’s concert in Los Angeles. | SM Entertainment

3. Indonesia

Indonesia has shown a significant penchant for K-Pop, with 7.48 billion streams in 2023, compared to 4.8 billion streams in 2022, exhibiting a 55.8% increase.

rv-indonesia-concertRed Velvet’s festival in Indonesia. | TEMPO.CO

4. South Korea

The homeland of K-Pop, South Korea, recorded 7.3 billion streams this year, a rise from 5 billion streams last year, demonstrating a 46% increase.

suga-concert-koreaBTS Suga’s concert in Seoul. | Manila Bulletin

5. India

With 6.2 billion streams in 2023, up from 4.6 billion streams in 2022, India has shown a 34.8% increase in K-Pop streaming.

aria-indian-idolAria, the second Indian K-Pop idol. | India Today

6. Philippines

The Philippines has contributed 4.28 billion streams this year, a growth from 3.3 billion streams last year, marking a 29.7% increase.

blackpink-philippines-concertBLACKPINK’s concert in Philippines. | ABS-CBN

7. Mexico

Mexico has also joined the K-Pop bandwagon with 3.5 billion streams in 2023, up from 2.8 billion streams in 2022, showing a 25% increase.


This country-wise breakdown underscores the widening global embrace of K-Pop. The genre’s catchy tunes and engaging performances continue to captivate audiences worldwide, transcending linguistic and cultural barriers. The remarkable year-over-year growth across different regions highlights the expansive and inclusive appeal of K-Pop, signaling a promising trajectory for this global musical phenomenon.


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