Remember Gong Yoo’s Daughter In “Train to Busan”? She’s Now A High Schooler

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It has already been over seven years since the premiere of Train to Busan and we cannot believe how fast time has gone by. As the film continues to get brought up in discussion even today, one particular actress from the K-Movie continued to make headlines.

train to busanPoster for “Train to Busan” | Next Entertainment World

Kim Su An previously played the role of Gong Yoo‘s daughter in the film and despite being only 10-years-old at the time, the child actress killed her portrayal. Many raved about her performance in the film, as Train to Busan became one of the most talked about movies in South Korea.

kim su anKim Su An in “Train to Busan” | Next Entertainment World

The actress has been featured in numerous productions following her Train to Busan casting, such as The Battleship IslandAlong With the Gods: The Two WorldsMom and more, but it was her role in the 2016 zombie thriller that truly catapulted her into star status.

And while we may be used to the child actress looking like this…


…or like this…

gong yooActor Gong Yoo (left) and Kim Su An (right) at a “Train to Busan” press conference.

…Kim Su An slowly began to make headlines for her teenage transformation! The actress shed her image as a child actress with her profile pictures for her label Blossom Entertainment — and they made their rounds online for her shocking transformation.

kim su an| @BlossomEntertainment/YouTube

I mean, just look at her! The now 17-year-old (international age) completely transformed from a little girl to a maturing teenager right before our eyes.

kim su an| @BlossomEntertainment/YouTube

She has the same exact face that we have come to love from her child acting days, but she’s truly evolved into a beautiful teen.

kim su an| @BlossomEntertainment/YouTube

More recently, Kim Su An had supporting roles in the two seasons of tvN‘s K-Drama Poong, the Joseon Psychiatrist and JTBC‘s K-Drama Reflection of You.

kim su anKim Su An in K-Drama Poong, the Joseon Psychiatrist | Blossom Entertainment

She also has her own Instagram account which is co-operated by both her and her agency.

Check out her behind the scenes video of her profile shoot below.


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