Korea Communications Commission Reviewing The Ban On Drug And Criminal Celebrities Appearing On TV

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The K-entertainment world has been in a frenzy with the recent drug controversy with Lee Sun Kyun and G-Dragon.

Recently, the Incheon Police Agency’s drug crime investigation unit announced that it had booked G-Dragon on charges of violating the Narcotics Control Act. It was reported that the police discovered G-Dragon’s drug charges while investigating Person B, the manager of an entertainment establishment, who was involved in the investigation into actor Lee Sun Kyun’s alleged drug use. In the case of G-Dragon, it is a separate case from Lee’s drug use incident.

In a statement released through his legal representatives, G-Dragon has denied all accusations and charges against him for drug use.

First of all, it is not true that I used drugs. Additionally, I would like to clarify that I have nothing to do with the news reports about violating the Narcotics Act that was released by the media. However, I know that many people are concerned, so I will actively and fully cooperate with the investigation being conducted by the authorities.

— G-Dragon

Most recently, G-Dragon and Lee Sun Kyun have both been banned from leaving Korea as police investigate their drug use.

In a press release from the Incheon Metropolitan Police Agency’s drug crime investigation team, they confirmed that both G-Dragon and Lee Sun Kyun’s travel ban was approved by the Ministry of Justice. The police will soon be conducting reagent tests to determine exactly which drugs they used and how many times they used them.

yesKorea Communications Commission Chairman Lee Dong Kwan | Newsis

Lee Dong Kwan, chairman of the Korea Communications Commission, announced they they would consider a plan to ban celebrities who have been punished for criminal activities, including drug charges, from appearing on all broadcasting company programs.

Rep. Kim Young Sik stated, “Recently, following actors Yoo Ah In and Lee Sun Hyun, G-Dragon is being investigated by the police on drug charges, which has a huge social impact. The public’s anger is that these drug offenders briefly reflect on themselves and return again, making hundreds of dollars.”

In response, Chairman Lee stated, “Currently, KBS, MBC, and others have their own internal regulations, but we will review and implement measures that can be generalized.”
Currently, the Broadcasting Act and Broadcasting Deliberation Regulations do not have mandatory provisions regarding suspension of appearances. Only public broadcasts, such as KBS, MBC, SBS, etc, decided whether to suspend appearances for celebrities involved in drug crime or drunk driving through internal deliberation.


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