“Feel Like A F*ckboy” — 3rd Generation Idol Spills On His Past Clubbing Experiences For The First Time

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While it is extremely common for young people, idols going to clubs has always resulted in mixed reactions. Normally, K-netizens tend to be on the negative side of things, while international netizens often advocate for idols to be able to do what they want.

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The negative association with clubbing is likely related to hook-up and dating culture at clubs; something often looked down upon. Because of this idols rarely talk about their experiences clubbing, even after their groups are no longer active.

However, B.A.P‘s Zelo recently opened up about his club experience and what he did there.

tumblr_inline_pt5wp1FtGg1wpbj28_500B.A.P’s Zelo | @ZELO96/X

Zelo appeared in YouTuber Haeppy‘s debut episode of Haeppy Hour, where they discussed several topics, including clubbing.

Haeppy begins the conversation by asking Zelo if he has gone clubbing, which the idol shyly confirms, saying the topic makes him nervous. He even says that he feels like he’s introducing himself “as a f*ckboy.

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Zelo opens up about his experiences, saying that when he was younger, he really enjoyed dancing and would go often with other dancers for that experience. He then says that his purpose in going now has changed, leading Haeppy to wonder if he is implying something else.

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The idol continues by saying that he was not going clubbing these days to “look at girls” but rather to just hang out with friends. Zelo mentions that because he didn’t live a normal life like his friends, he would go to hang.

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Zelo admits that he still feels like he’s discovering himself and that he just enjoys being able to do things in general, clubbing included.

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It is good to hear Zelo has been able to have some of the life experiences his same-aged, non-celebrity peers have had! You can check out the full episode below.


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