10 Injured — Popular Singer’s Expensive Mercedes Crashes Into A Building In A Car Accident

컨텐츠 정보



On October 26, 2023, it was reported that popular 1990s singer Sul Woon Do‘s car had crashed into a multi-story commercial complex in the affluent neighborhood of Hannam-dong. The accident occurred around 8pm on October 25, 2023. The car was an expensive Mercedes Benz.

0000260385_001_20231026170301465Accident site. | theqoo

Around 10 people were hurt in the accident as the car crashed into a restaurant. According to reports, Sul Woon Do’s agency denied that any drug abuse or alcohol consumption was involved in the accident. The car’s RPM had suddenly risen, and they were unable to stop it even though the break was applied immediately. The car had been driven by Sul Woon Do’s wife as their family had been on their way out for dinner. Sul Woon Do, his son, and other family members were in the car.

unnamed-14Sul Woon Do.

Sul Woon Do is a famous trot singer. His son, Lumin, was previously a member of the K-Pop group Mpire, before making a solo debut as a trot singer using his real name, Lee Seung Hyun.



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