“97-line” ASTRO’s Cha Eunwoo, NCT’s Jaehyun, And BTS’s Jungkook Were Having Drinks — But A Fan Is Under Fire For “Ruining It”

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On October 26, 2023, a video started circulating online of ASTRO‘s Cha Eunwoo, NCT‘s Jaehyun, and BTS‘s Jungkook. The three were having a drink in the popular district of Apgujeong when they were approached by a fan. Although the three are normally friendly and courteous to fans who approach them in public, it seems like the fan crossed a line this time.

The video showed the boys looking visibly uncomfortable. When the fan first approached them and asked for an autograph, Jungkook looked confused as he did not seem to understand when the fan mentioned an “autograph.” He looked around in confusion. That was when the fan recognized Cha Eunwoo, who soon apologized with his hands together. The fan did not get the message and continued to linger, asking them other questions that they did not get. Jungkook quickly told the fan in Korean, “sorry, we’re just drinking amongst ourselves.

Jaehyun then translated for the fan in english, saying “we’re really sorry, but we’re having our own time.” The fan then left quickly. The fan continued to explain their side of the story on their Instagram. They claimed that they did not recognize Jaehyun in the beginning. Another non-celebrity was with the boys.

F9VGuN-XwAAOktL| @0MIH00/Twitter

The same fan also took some videos of them from afar. These videos were reposted by another fan on Twitter.

What made things worse was how the fan even went as far as to retrieve the boys’ used cups from the table. In the video, you can hear them saying that “this is Jungkook’s cup, and this is Cha Eunwoo’s cup.

Even after they left the restaurant, the fan continued to approach them, asking Jungkook if they could sing for him. The fan gushes about how they “touched him.

The fan received much backlash from other fans online. Many called their account of the moment “delusional” and accused them of fabricating the moment.

Many praised Jaehyun for dealing with the fan firmly but politely.

Such behavior shows a lack of respect for the artist and naturally can make the artists feel uncomfortable. Other fans are frowning upon the moment intensely. On the other hand, the fan who uploaded their experience has deleted their Instagram account.


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