This Guy’s Hot, Ageless Mom Went Viral For Her Youthful Beauty — And Now He Had His Own Glow-Up

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Vietnamese-American Jonathan Nguyen once went viral for a post he made in Facebook group Subtle Asian Traits about his youthful-looking mother.

aJonathan and his mom | Facebook

In photos together, netizens would often assume she was his girlfriend or sister, but not his mother!

b| Facebook

However, it wasn’t so funny when guys his own age would hit on his mom!

c| Facebook

Recently, Jonathan is following in his mother’s footsteps and is gaining attention for his own visual upgrade.

d| Facebook

Comments of his Instagram are flooded with love for his new confident and edgy style.

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In his photos, he shows off both his gorgeous visuals…

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…and his fit body!

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In a series of “glow-up” videos, he rocks his new and confident style.

It’s clear that good genetics run in the family!

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To this day, he still posts photos and videos with his mom. We love their precious relationship!


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