Jessi Accidentally Causes A Hilarious NSFW Moment When Cheering On Chuu

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For the latest airing of the variety show Amazing Saturday, rapper Jessi joined the cast as a special guest and didn’t forget to bring her signature humor.

jessi amazing saturday 1Jessi

And thanks to Chuu, the two caused a hilariously NSFW moment that made everyone laugh—especially Girls’ Generation‘s Taeyeon.

chuu amazing saturday 1Chuu

When it was Chuu’s turn to take on a challenge, Jessi was extremely supportive. She cheered on the idol by saying, “Let’s go Chuu!” However, the rapper’s words didn’t have the meaning she thought.

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Taeyeon immediately burst into laughter and wasn’t alone in doing so.

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The rest of the cast laughed along with Taeyeon as Jessi looked around in confusion and questioned what happened. Jessi’s words may have sounded innocent in English, but the phrase sounded extremely similar to gochu, which means chili pepper in Korean but is also slang for d*ck.

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That wasn’t the only moment that left everyone cracking up, either. When they had to guess words from just consonants, Jessi stopped herself before saying ssibal/shibal, the curse word for f*ck.

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Even when Jessi isn’t trying, she always finds a way to be funny. See her bring laughter to the show’s cast and viewers.


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