Netizens Can’t Stop Swooning Over RIIZE Anton’s Gorgeous Visuals

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Now that RIIZE is a couple of months into their debut, there has been more time to get to know the members of the group and try to figure out who your bias is. With a group of such lovable and talented idols, though, it can be difficult to pick just one!

riizeRIIZE | SM Entertainment

One of the members who has been getting a particular amount of attention for his visuals, though, is Anton. Both he and Wonbin are getting arguably the most attention for their handsome appearance, with some fans joking that it’s either one or the other that is most likely to get someone into RIIZE!

F4i7ytpaMAA7L8fAnton (RIIZE) | SM Entertainment

Anton recently became the topic of conversation on an online forum post due to his gorgeous visuals, though, with several images of him shared on the post as evidence as to why he’s so attractive.

1| Pann Nate 2| Pann Nate 3| Pann Nate

His side profile is particularly captivating to many, though really, any angle he poses in is bound to look great with his handsomeness!

4| Pann Nate 5| Pann Nate 6| Pann Nate

Even low-quality images don’t fail to capture his charm and appeal, especially when he flashes his heart-fluttering smile.

7| Pann Nate 8| Pann Nate 9| Pann Nate

Here are some of the many comments praising Anton’s stan attractor status on the forum post about him.









Have you been able to choose just one bias in RIIZE?


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