Korean Netizens React To FIFTY FIFTY Keena’s “Tearful” Return

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Netizens reacted to reports stating Keena had cried and asked to return to ATTRAKT.

Snapinsta.app_340834070_1449979399151579_734502704573466781_n_1080Keena | Pinterest

On October 17, it was reported that FIFTY FIFTY member Keena had tearfully asked to return to the label and had apologized.

FIFTY FIFTY’s Keena Cried While Telling ATTRAKT’s CEO She Wanted To Return

According to ATTRAKT’s CEO Jeon Hong Jun, the idol seemed mentally and physically drained from the months-long legal battle.

Keena came back to our office in tears and apologized.

She was physically and mentally exhausted. I told her to get some rest and take some time to self-reflect.

She was so sick and tired; just how much did she suffer? Even though it was late, I want to thank her for being brave and coming back.

— Jeon Hong Jun

Although the CEO stated that it was much too early to discuss future activities, Jeong Hong Jun did reveal that he has welcomed Keena back with “Open arms.”

Right now, we are not at the stage where we can discuss her future activities. Right now, her priority is to take some time to self-reflect. Keena also understands this, and she knows what mistakes she made.

Both ATTRAKT and I will accept Keena back into our arms. She asked to rest for a day or two, then we will resume conversations.

— Jeon Hong Jun

The news follows reports that broke the evening prior in which it was revealed that Keena had withdrawn from the lawsuit.

FIFTY FIFTY’s Lawyer Clarifies Only One Member Has Dropped Lawsuit

Netizens reacted to Keena’s return, with many praising her decision. What’s more, netizens seemed more than open to the idea of Keena returning as an idol.

Screenshot 2023-10-17 at 1.04.53 PM

  • “Keena is the only member that I remember.”
  • “You did well. I know it was difficult to return alone, so be good from here on out.”
  • “It’s good that ATTRAKT accepted her since as long as they have one of the original members, FIFTY FIFTY’s name can live on.”
  • “It’s good you’ve returned.”
  • “Let’s pick a new vocalist, re-record “Cupid” and start promoting overseas.”
  • “If the CEO forgave her, so should we. She is young and impressionable. Since she has apologized, it’s up to the parties involved.”
  • “Wow… The CEO is as forgiving as Buddha.”
  • “I’m sure it took a lot of courage to escape on your own. You did well. I hope the CEO gains strength.”
  • “She was the only member missing from FIFTY FIFTY’s previous statement. She made the right choice.”

Stay tuned for updates.



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