“Touch My Breasts” Gangnam’s “Box Girl” Sparks Outrage And Disgust

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A woman known as “Apgujeong Box Girl” is going viral.

61dcc17ce89c9ba315466c9b438754c0“Apgujeong’s Box Girl” | FM Korea

On October 16, it was reported that a woman dressed in a box with holes in it had been walking around Gangnam’s Apgujeong area and asking men to touch her breasts.

In an online community post, a netizen uploaded several photos of the woman walking and talking to men.

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According to news sites, many reportedly suspect that this NSFW stunt was a marketing ploy, pointing to the fact that the woman’s box had a QR code on it. One report also states that similar stunts had been done in Japan and in Europe.

Seoul Shinmun spoke with the infamous woman, who is reportedly a Korean adult actress, and according to the woman, the stunt was a performance art piece in response to society’s double standards towards women’s bodies.

I thought it was weird that people don’t care when men take off their shirts, but when women take off their clothes, they are punished for it. This is a type of performance art that breaks this (double standard).

— Apgujeng Box Girl

Netizens, however, were not convinced by the adult actress’s “performance” and claimed this was nothing more than an act of soliciting customers to her porn site.

Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 4.41.20 PM

  • “It’s just marketing and soliciting.”
  • “WTF… Sigh.”
  • “The men who actually touch her are insane. Aren’t they embarrassed?”
  • “Ah, tattoos and porn marketing, LOL. That tells you everything you need to know, LOL.”
  • “If you watch her interview, she says that if she gains over 100k followers, she’s going to make another hole in the box…”
  • “Ew…”
  • “Do you pay her after touching her?”
  • “How much do you need to be paid to do that? Doesn’t she have any shame? That woman and the bastards who touch her are all the same.”
  • “Ah f@ck… Our country is f@cked…”
  • “Ew, I don’t want to know.”
  • “There is no reason to say it is performance art or any other weird excuse. This is marketing for your porn. Just say it like it is.”

What are your thoughts?



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