Korean Celebrity Chef Is Embarrassed When People Find Out He Rescued A Woman Who Lost Consciousness

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Celebrity chef and entrepreneur Baek Jong Won belatedly revealed that he rescued a woman who lost consciousness and collapsed.

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On October 11, it was reported that Baek Jong Won performed CPR on a middle-aged woman who had collapsed after losing consciousness. This news was revealed belatedly five days later, and support poured in for Baek Jong Won’s actions.

On October 16, Baek Jong Won explained what happened in a phone interview with OSEN.

There was an elderly person (who collapsed) next to my restaurant. The only thought I had was to help her…There were stairs right in front of her, and it was fortunate that she didn’t fall while climbing up the stairs. I was worried that something terrible would have happened if she lost consciousness on the stairs because she was an elderly person.

— Baek Jong Won

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He shared that, fortunately, the older woman regained consciousness and was okay, which he was relieved to hear.

This incident spread rapidly through online communities and social media. Baek Jong Won expressed humility, stating that it was not something to be reported but something that anyone would have done.

I was on my way to a festival out of town when I suddenly started getting calls and messages. It’s something that anyone would have done, so I’m embarrassed that everyone knows about it. I just did what anyone would have done.

— Baek Jong Won

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Baek Jong Won is a celebrity chef with many popular restaurants and cafes, and he is recognized for hosting multiple cooking shows. He also has a cooking YouTube channel with about 5.99 million subscribers as of this article. He is also about to start the second season of his tvN program Business Genius CEO Baek, which is set to be released on October 29.


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