“I Can Only See Him” — The Fanboy TXT’s Yeonjun Still Can’t Forget

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As one of the most famous groups of K-Pop’s fourth generation, TXT has traveled the world for multiple tours and met many fans.

txt yeonjun 1Yeonjun

So GOT7‘s BamBam wondered if there was a MOA in particular who left a lasting impression on him.

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Yeonjun told BamBam and the Bam’s House viewers about a fanboy he saw often during TXT’s tour in America.

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Not only did the fanboy wear a cowboy hat, but he also swung his arm around like he was holding a lasso (a rope to catch horses).

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Making him even more eye-catching, the fan repeatedly shouted Yeonjun’s name and pointed at himself.

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Yeonjun admitted that he couldn’t look away from the fanboy whenever he saw him. He said, “It’s so funny that I can’t concentrate. I can only see him.

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BamBam wondered how Yeonjun ended up handling the fanboy. Yeonjun revealed that he would acknowledge him and thank him.

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The fanboy was so unique that Yeonjun said they’ll know exactly who he’s talking about. See him talk about the passionate MOA that still lives rent-free in his mind.


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