Arrested: The Japanese Man Who Dated 35+ Women At Once To Get Birthday Gifts On Different Days

컨텐츠 정보



A Japanese man made headlines in 2021 for his dubious dating practices.

Takashi Miyagawa, then a 39-year old marketing employee of hydrogen water shower heads, dated more than 35 women at the same time presumably after meeting them in his workplace. He told each of them that his birthday fell on different dates, thus receiving birthday presents at various days of the year.


Though his real birthday is on November 13, he told a 47-year-old woman that it was on February 22, promised a 40-year-old woman that it was in July, and mentioned to a 35-year-old date that it was in April.

The scammer manipulated them into believing he wanted a serious relationship when his end-goal was actually to solicit money and gifts from each one.

I told him, ‘I don’t want to [kiss unless you] are someone who wants to get married and really be with me in the future.’ He responded, ‘I’m serious. I’m going to be with you for the rest of my life.’

— Victim 


While it may not appear to be on the level of criminal behavior at first glance, Miyawaga benefited greatly from his cheating scheme. He received gift cards and presents totaling ¥100,000 JPY (around $670 USD).

One girlfriend even gave him a suit worth ¥200,000 JPY (around $1,350 USD).

ruthson-zimmerman-Ws4wd-vJ9M0-unsplashHe received a suit worth ¥200,000 JPY (around $1,350 USD) | Ruthson Zimmerman/Unsplash

In February 2021, the women filed a report to the police after creating a victims association with other duped girlfriends.



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