SHINee Minho’s Behavior Toward Urban Zakapa’s Jo Hyun Ah Shows His True Personality

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Urban Zakapa‘s Jo Hyun Ah frequently hosts fellow celebrities on her YouTube variety show Thursday Night, and most recently, she hosted her fourth SM Entertainment artist, SHINee‘s Key.

maxresdefault (12)Urban Zakapa’s Jo Hyun Ah (left) and SHINee’s Key (right) | 조현아의 목요일 밤/YouTube

The two second-generation artists caught up, realizing they had a few mutual friends in common from promoting around the same time period.

Although both artists debuted within a similar timeframe, they shared they didn’t often cross paths in their earlier years, so it was only their second time officially meeting.

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The two quickly bonded over their shared experiences as members of a group, and each shared about their fellow group members.

While hilariously discussing their height among their respective groups, including who the tallest members are, SHINee’s Minho was brought up for discussion.

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Jo Hyun Ah revealed that she had a touching interaction with Minho while attending an afterparty hosted by fellow second-generation idol ZE:A‘s Im Siwan.

The party took place after one of the talented idol-turned-actor’s fan meetings, and Jo Hyun Ah remembers that one of the attendees announced to the crowd that she was a good singer.

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The person requested that Jo Hyun Ah sing for the crowd, which she noted was mostly drunk. Before the request could go any further, SHINee’s Minho stepped in and asked the person to stop pressuring her, acknowledging that it could be an uncomfortable request.

Key reacted with surprise, exclaiming, “He mediated?” as Jo Hyun Ah again confirmed that Minho had come to her rescue.

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Key hilariously responded by saying he wished his fellow member did that among the SHINee members.

Jo Hyun Ah asked if Minho normally wasn’t like that, and Key jokingly said, “No.”

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The SHINee members are known for their kind personalities and thoughtful interactions with fans and fellow artists.

This isn’t the first time Minho’s considerate actions have received the spotlight.

Check out netizens’ reactions to his candid interaction with fellow SM Entertainment labelmates NCT‘s Chenle and Jisung in the article below!

SHINee Minho’s Actions Towards NCT’s Chenle And Jisung On “M Countdown” Showcases His True Personality


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