Single Since Birth? (G)-IDLE’s Shuhua Casually Confirms Her Relationship Status In New “Workman” Episode

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(G)-IDLE‘s Shuhua shocked netizens when she revealed a new piece of information about herself.

yeh.shaa__350593236_809389507438481_6564197152141072923_n(G)-IDLE’s Shuhua | @yeh.shaa_/Instagram

In the latest Workman (also known as Workdol) episode, Shuhua became a waitress at Outback Steakhouse to put herself in the shoes of part-time workers. She prepared food at the back, had casual conversations with customers, and even danced with them!

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At one point, she met a couple with a toddler and interviewed them on the spot about their relationship. She directly asked the woman if she was happy and received a positive reply back.

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Interested even more in their love life, she wondered aloud at how old they were when they tied the knot: “At what age did you get married?” 

shuhua outback

The woman replied that she was 32 years old, and Shuhua asked if she would be able to do the same in the future. As a 2000-liner, she is currently only 23-years old.


The husband, surprised at how far ahead she was thinking, mentioned that she would most likely have a partner before then.

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Shuhua casually dropped her relationship status then and there—she has been single since birth!

I still haven’t dated once in my life.

— Shuhua

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The (G)I-DLE member realized that she is what Koreans call “solo motae,” a slang term that refers to someone who has been single since they were in their mother’s womb.

solo shuhua

Fans found her honesty refreshing, loving how she represents the women who are also single later than the norm. They related to her situation, saying that she’s “just like [them].”

Check out the full episode below!


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