Popular Reality Dating Show Participant Confesses That She Has A Crush On The Producer Of The Show

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A participant from the current hottest reality dating show I Am Solo Season 16 shocked viewers by confessing during a live broadcast that she liked a producer more than any of the male participants.

unnamed (7)“I Am Solo” poster | Netflix

ENA and SBS Plus‘s I Am Solo is a Korean reality dating show where single men and women spend four nights and five days together to find love. They go by pseudonyms and reveal their real names in the final episode when they choose their match. The current season is a “divorced singles” special where all the participants are divorced or widowed singles, and it is the show’s most popular season yet due to the tension and drama the participants went through.

unnamed (12)Participants from a previous season of “I Am Solo” hold up signs of their assigned pseudonyms. | ENA and SBS Plus

After the final episode aired on October 4, the YouTube channel Chonjang Entertainment TV hosted a live broadcast on October 5, where the participants of the show gathered to talk about their experiences.

Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 9.09.35 PMThe participants of “I Am Solo” Season 16 (missing Young Suk, Ok Sun, and Young Ho) | Chonjang Entertainment TV/YouTube

One of the participants was a woman with the pseudonym, Sun Ja. While introducing herself on the show, she revealed that she got divorced three months ago and that she had a baby who just turned one.

385174090_289785060582373_306981558738105108_nSun Ja from “I Am Solo” Season 16 | @ji__sn/Instagram

During the live broadcast on October 5, Sun Ja expressed gratitude towards the program. She claimed that the show helped her heal from the pain she experienced through the divorce.

I filmed not too long after I experienced heartbreak. After filming, I feel like I got a lot of healing. Thanks to people’s support, I was able to become much brighter. I was able to come to my senses and return to reality.

— Sun Ja

Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 9.09.17 PMChonjang Entertainment TV/YouTube

When asked if any of the participants had anything they were disappointed about, Sun Ja spoke up that she had a lot of disappointments. One of them was the fact that she was much younger than the other participants.

My age limit was a eight-year difference, but everyone except one person was all more than eight years older, so I was disappointed.

— Sun Ja

download (4)Sun Ja introducing herself on “I Am Solo” | ENA and SBS Plus

Born in 1994, Sun Ja was the youngest member of the cast. In response to her statement, a participant with the pseudonym Young Chul mentioned that his age difference with her was over ten years. He added that Sun Ja was younger than his youngest nephew.

At that moment, the producer hosting the live stream said, “That’s why she liked one of our producers.” Everyone turned to look at which producer it was, but they did not show the producer’s face on the live stream.

Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 9.17.21 PMChonjang Entertainment TV/YouTube

Sun Ja blushed as she mentioned how the first person she ran into that day was the producer she liked.

Earlier, when I got off the elevator, I saw him immediately. He was the first person I saw.

— Sun Ja

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The other participants mentioned how red she was getting talking about the producer, and the camera cut to a shot of three staff members—however, only the top of their heads were shown. It is assumed that the producer Sun Ja liked was one of them.

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She then made a bold confession that shocked the other participants.

I really liked him.

— Sun Ja

On the other side of the room, one of the staff members pointed at the producer in question. Then the voice of the producer was heard quietly saying, “Thank you.

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Sun Ja also shared during the live stream that she is still single, raising her child well, and taking care of her family.

The live broadcast with the I Am Solo Season 16 participants reached 220,000 viewers as soon as the participant Young Suk appeared. Young Suk was the most popular participants for having the most drama with the other participants. The broadcast eventually reached a total of 250,000 viewers, showing how popular this season of the show was.


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