Choi Hyun Wook’s Handwritten Apology Is Met With Ridicule Amid Controversy Over Viral Video

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Actor Choi Hyun Wook‘s handwritten letter has gone viral for all the wrong reasons.

optimize-9Choi Hyun Wook

On October 5, Choi Hyun Wook wrote a handwritten letter to apologize for smoking illegally in the street.


Previously, a video of the actor smoking while holding a woman’s hand went viral.

Video Clip Of Star Actor Smoking While Holding Hands With A Woman Goes Viral

In his letter, the actor apologized for disappointing his fans and vowed to work on himself.

Hello. This is Choi Hyun Wook.

Firstly, I’m really sorry to have disappointed the fans. It would not enough for me to act responsibly in every moment, but I even disappointed many due to my careless actions.

I apologize once again to the drama’s director and writer, as well as the staff and other actors, as well as the many who are working with us.

I will humbly accept the scolding and the warnings, looking back upon myself, and work hard to show you a more mature side of myself.

— Choi Hyun Wook

The actor’s letter quickly went viral, but not for what you might think. Soon after the letter was published, an online post titled “Fonts That Choi Hyun Wook’s Handwriting Resemble” gained attention.

In the post, the author likens the actor’s handwriting to that of children.

VlhYpqWriting in Crayon Shin-chan | TV Asahi tempImagetfiNrmA post claimed the actor’s writing resembled this font

Netizens couldn’t help but laugh at the actor’s handwriting. Still, there were some who defended the actor’s handwriting as sincere and undeniably adorable.

Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 6.39.38 PM

  • “This reminds me of that famous Elementary School student meme.”
  • “His handwriting isn’t the problem. This apology is shallow and doesn’t mean anything.”
  • “I think it might have been better if he stayed silent, seeing how he is being ridiculed regardless.”
  • “I am sure that he was, at the very least, being sincere, LOL.”
  • “I mean it is legible…”
  • “They should have given him a paper with lines on it.”
  • “I have a family member with horrible handwriting.”
  • “LOL, but his handwriting is cute, LOL. It is legible, too. I’ve seen a lot of bad handwriting, and this looks like a child tried their best.”

What are your thoughts?



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