Actor Choi Hyun Wook Apologizes With Handwritten Letter Following Being Spotted Smoking Illegally With A Girl In Hand

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Actor Choi Hyun Wook was recently caught red-handed in a viral video where he was seen incorrectly and illegally disposing of a cigarette butt on the streets. He was also spotted holding hands with a girl.

Not only should cigarette butts be properly disposed of in bins, South Korea has designated smoking areas. Choi Hyun Wook can be seen defying both laws. Following the backlash, he uploaded a handwritten apology.

IMG_3052His apology letter. | Sports DongA

Hello. This is Choi Hyun Wook.

Firstly, I’m really sorry to have disappointed the fans. It would not enough for me to act responsibly in every moment, but I even disappointed many due to my careless actions.

I apologize once again to the drama’s director and writer,, as well as the staff and other actors, as well as the many who are working with us.

I will humbly accept the scolding and the warnings, looking back upon myself, and work hard to show you a more mature side of myself.

— Choi Hyun Wook

Choi Hyun Wook’s new drama, Twinkling Watermelon, has just barely kicked off. The first episode aired on September 25, 2023. He also has an upcoming drama, High Cookie, set to air on October 23, 2023. As he is the main lead in both dramas, his controversy will no doubt affect those involved.


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