Korean High School Allows “Anything Goes” Yearbook Photos — 25 Most Bizarre Photos
This Korean high school allowed seniors to take any kind of photo they want for their yearbook picture — Seriously, anything. From superhero costumes to dressing up as women, these guys pushed the boundaries with their photos. Check out the 25 funniest photos below!
1. Whatever this guy is doing
2. Flipping off the camera
3. This dedicated swimmer
4. A unique and slightly strange pose
5. Someone who is still getting ready in the morning
6. A one-of-a-kind photo
7. This very serious business man
8. Super Mario ready to save the princess
9. Your local ajumma
10. Caption this
11. A lover of nature
12. When The Joker is in your class
13. A very memorable choice of pants
14. Is that a…?
15. Part two
16. Time for some archery
17. I remember this movie differently
18. An aspiring hair stylist
19. Nun to it but to do it
20. There’s a lot going on here
21. Nailed it
22. A photo of a photo
23. This muscle man
24. Put them all together…
25. …and you get something like this!
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