BLACKPINK Lisa’s Mom Had An Unexpected Reaction To Her Crazy Horse Performance, According To Thai MC Woody

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BLACKPINK‘s Lisa has officially wrapped five exclusive performances at Paris’s famous Crazy Horse Cabaret, all of which gathered celebrities from around the world who attended to see Lisa’s legendary performance in the venue’s show, Totally Crazy.

384164581_778573770706533_2022677965986142535_nBLACKPINK’s Lisa at the “Crazy Horse Cabaret” venue | @crazyhorseparis_official/Instagram

Totally Crazy celebrates 70 years of Crazy Horse productions, and it was only fitting that they enlisted the talents of top global star Lisa to help introduce the production to new audiences.

Her five sold-out shows and the packed crowd outside the venue, waiting for just a glimpse of Lisa, proved that their goal was accomplished.

cabaretBLACKPINK’s Lisa (center) with fellow “Crazy Horse” performers | Crazy Horse

One of the famous celebrities who attended Lisa’s Crazy Horse show was Thai MC Vuthithorn “Woody” Milintachinda.

Following her performance, Woody took to his Instagram to leave a full account of the evening for BLINKs.

Woody revealed that he heard Lisa was a fan of Crazy Horse before her performance and that she always thought it would be a challenge to perform as one of the Crazy Horse dancers. She determined that now would be the best time in her life to do it, as a 26-year-old.

Woody further revealed that the Crazy Horse management was especially excited about the global superstar performing at the venue and that they felt the show reached a new generation overnight, with Lisa’s involvement driving ticket sales and increased interest in the production.

Woody stated that Lisa gave an incredible vocal performance that was uniquely different from what fans are used to hearing from the BLACKPINK maknae, proving her versatility as an artist as she bravely ventured “outside of her comfort zone” to show the world her endless talents.

Screenshot 2023-10-01 125329Woody discussing the specifics of Lisa’s vocal talents | @woodytalk/Instagram

At the end of Woody’s recollection of the evening, he revealed what Lisa’s mom thought of the production.

Woody shared that no one was more vocally supportive during the performance than Lisa’s mom, who cheered for her daughter throughout the show. When the show ended, Lisa’s mom hilariously whispered to Woody, “I thought it was going to be sexier than this!

Screenshot 2023-10-01 125919Woody revealing Lisa’s mom’s reaction to the “Crazy Horse” performance | @woodytalk/Instagram

BLINKs reacted to Lisa’s mom, loving her funny response and unending show of support for her talented daughter.

Lisa’s mom wasn’t the only special audience member that night. Netizens speculated that Lisa delayed the show’s start for BLACKPINK’s Jennie, who flew on a delayed flight from Korea in time to catch Lisa’s final show.

BLACKPINK’s Rosé and Jisoo attended one of Lisa’s earlier performances, showing just how supportive the members are of each others’ solo activities.

381322829_705090994395665_3296088145298229149_nBLACKPINK in a group hug at the conclusion of their “BORN PINK” world tour | @jennierubyjane/Instagram

Check out more behind-the-scenes looks at Lisa’s Crazy Horse show below!

Spanish Singer Rosalía Gives A Close-Up Of BLACKPINK Lisa’s Crazy Horse Look In New Update


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