What Do Lee Kwang Soo And Lee Sun Bin Do On Their Dates?

컨텐츠 정보



Lee Kwang Soo shared some information about his relationship with Lee Sun Bin, revealing the two do things just like every other couple.

lee kwang sooLee Kwang Soo | King Kong by Starship

Lee Kwang Soo held an interview with Hankook Ilbo ahead of the premiere of his movie Sinkhole. During the interview, he talked about the movie as well as his girlfriend, actress Lee Sun Bin.

He shared that he was very grateful that Sinkhole could be released in theaters despite the then-ongoing Covid-19 situation in Korea.

Personally, I am very grateful that we can release it in this situation. However, it’s not easy to promote it well, because we are in a situation where I need to be careful when asking many people to go to the theater to watch the movie.

It’s a good movie to watch these days. It’s a movie that shows the hope in people as they try to overcome a disaster in a positive way, so I hope many people watch Sinkhole and get that hopeful energy.

— Lee Kwang Soo

The topic of the interview also included his girlfriend, Lee Sun Bin, and he shyly shared that his relationship with her is going strong.

lee-sun-bin-2Lee Sun Bin | Mydaily

It’s still going well.

My relationship with Lee Sun Bin is actually the same as other relationships. We don’t have a clause where we shouldn’t meet in public. We go out to eat at delicious restaurants, and are doing well together.

— Lee Kwang Soo

Lee Kwang Soo and Lee Sun Bin first met on Running Man in 2016, and revealed their relationship in 2018.


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