Fan Asks ZEROBASEONE’s Sung Hanbin About Kissing A Group Member, Sparking A Heated Debate About Boundaries

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Because of how relatable they are, fans often feel they have a close bond with their favorite K-Pop idols. While this is true, this bond is very different from what a real friendship in reality is due to the nature of fan-idol relationships.

In the past, this line-blurring has led to debates over what is appropriate to discuss with K-Pop idols, like when a fan described abuse she suffered to ATEEZ‘s Wooyoung.

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While the latest case involving ZEROBASEONE‘s Sung Hanbin that has sparked debate is not due to a fan sharing personal details, many feel it is as just an important conversation to have.

ZEROBASEONE-Sung-Hanbin-In-Bloom-MV-Photoshoot-by-Dispatch-documents-1ZEROBASEONE’s Sung Hanbin

During a recent video call a fan used the opportunity to ask Hanbin a question many think is inappropriate. During their chat a fan allegedly asked Hanbin if he had kissed (bobo) Zhang Hao, using Gyuvin and Yujin as an example.


I had talked about 79 kissing (he looked calm). Here, I mentioned hanbin + [zhang] hao, he was a bit shocked. I wanted to see his reaction, so I jokingly asked if he and [zhang hao] would bobo just like 79, since they have a good relationship? Or would there be a difference?

— Fan’s caption on the video.

79 is a way of refering to Gyuvin and Yujin (the 7th and 9th member by age), who often give each other friendly kisses.

After hearing the question, Hanbin reacted in a surprised way, making an x with his fingers then saying that he and Zhang Hao only hug each other.

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Many fans found this very inappropriate, saying that it overstepped boundaries, regardless of intention. While Hanbin’s response was not outright negative, fans worry it still could have made him, and any of the members mentioned uncomfortable.

While having fun conversations with idols on video calls is encouraged, fans should keep certain boundaries in mind.


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