“Proud To Be Free” — BLACKPINK Lisa’s Crazy Horse Appearance Is More Than Just A Sexy Performance

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BLACKPINK‘s Lisa has always stood out for her fierce and fun personality and determination to do things her way.

380808287_319240314094374_8648667881578252789_nBLACKPINK’s Lisa | @lalalalisa_m/Instagram

Recently, it was announced that Lisa would be making a historic debut at the Crazy Horse Cabaret.

The venue, known for its nude performances by skilled female dancers, is not an expected place for an idol. Previous appearances have already left netizens with negative feelings about Lisa’s upcoming performances.

dita vonDita Von Teese while guest appearing at the Crazy Horse. | Crazy Horse

And while there’s no denying that Lisa is definitely ready to join the list of successful women who have made guest appearances, as seen in these sexy clips posted before her performance…

Your browser does not support video.| @lalalalisa_m/Instagram Your browser does not support video.| @lalalalisa_m/Instagram

…her performances mean much more than just that.

When it was first announced that Lisa would appear at the club, Andrée Deissenberg, the general and brand director of the venue, explained precisely how significant her performances would be.

a0f056913ab0029b64afa53b84f3fcac| @lalalalisa_m/Instagram

There will be a thousand people who will see it. It’s really something exclusive, intimate, unique.

— Andrée Deissenberg

According to Deissenberg, the club hopes to attract a new clientele that is younger and “just as feminine” as Lisa. In his own words, the Crazy Horse symbolizes a woman who is proud to be “free, curious, and confident.”

Because the Crazy Horse has become a symbol of the woman who is proud to be free, curious, and confident. I also think that by deciding to do this, Lisa is showing the same thing.

— Andrée Deissenberg

These words describing Lisa echo with fans, who have been celebrating Lisa’s potential “freedom” from YG Entertainment amid contract negotiations. With Lisa showing just as much excitement for the performance, sharing a post on Instagram from inside the venue, fans can’t help but be just as thrilled.

We’re glad to see Lisa living her best life!


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