Actor Song Joong Ki Calls Out Gossipers Who “Write Novels” About His Wife Katy Louise Saunders

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Actor Song Joong Ki recently expressed his hurt at rumors surrounding his wife and shared how she motivates him to become a better person.

Snapinsta.app_284598889_772596463730366_4906840337539341011_n_1080Actor Song Joong Ki | @hi_songjoongki/Instagram

On September 25, Song Joong Ki was recently interviewed for his upcoming neo-noir film Hopeless (Hwaran).

Screenshot 2023-09-25 at 3.48.16 PMMovie poster for “Hopeless” | Plus M Entertainment

Song Joong Ki, who became a father five months after marrying British actress Katy Louise Saunders in June, is drawing attention for returning to the big screen through Hopeless. He recently returned to Korea to promote the movie and shared that his wife wished him good luck and to “do well in promoting the movie.”

Talking about his baby, Song Joong Ki revealed that it has not hit him yet that he is a father but he is motivated to work harder.

It’s been three months and 100 days now. Even when I’m feeding the baby, I wonder, ‘Am I really a dad?’ I feel new emotions and think, ‘I should live well,’ or ‘I should become a good person.’ I get the thought that ‘I should work harder.’

— Song Joong Ki

download (2)Song Joong Ki (left) and Katy Louise Saunders (right) | Sina Weibo

Rumors circulated about Song Joong Ki’s wife in the past. Song Joong Ki mentioned a journalist who created rumors about her wife, like a “novel.”

There was a journalist who wrote a novel about my wife. I told my company employees not to provide feedback. I was hurt a lot when I saw someone writing a made-up novel about a woman and not taking responsibility. If I felt that way, my wife must have felt even more hurt. My wife responded by saying, ‘There are media outlets in the UK that write novels too,’ but I’m sure she was hurt inside.

— Song Joong Ki

be915a02-11ea-43fe-9f8b-8d4b3c63c967Katy Louise Saunders | Katy Louise Saunders Official/Facebook

On the other hand, Song Joong Ki was thankful that he and his wife were receiving attention and expressed his regret for how he handled the situation back then. He praised his wife for being friendly and someone who made him a better person.

That means people are showing interest in us, so I sometimes regret not explaining things nicely then. My wife has a very positive personality. Even when we meet Korean tourists in Rome, she greets them with ‘Hello.’ I learn a lot from my wife. She’s the one who softens my anger. Through my wife, I realize that I was immature and think to myself, ‘Song Joong Ki, you still have a long way to go.’

— Song Joong Ki

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This wasn’t the first time Song Joong Ki addressed rumors about his wife and him. Earlier this year, Song Joong Ki expressed his frustration at people who shared information about his wife that was all false except the name of her college.

Directed by Kim Chang HoonHwaran is a crime film that tells the story of a boy named Yeon Gyu (played by Hong Sa Bin) who wants to escape from a hellish reality and gets involved in a dangerous world after meeting the organization’s middle boss, Chi Geon (played by Song Joong Ki). It also stars singer BIBIHopeless is set to be released on October 11.

Watch the trailer for Hopeless here.


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