The Reason Fans Are Mad About Yerin’s Latest Tik Tok Challenge

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Many fans have expressed discomfort in the latest Tik Tok challenge posted by singer Jung Yerin.


The major concern fans seem to have is the show Yerin appeared on with comedian, Jo Ju Bong. He seemed to continuously make Yerin look visibly uncomfortable through attempting to touch her, which she responds by flinching away.

Although some may argue that it’s part of the skit, fans were upset with the way the singer was treated in both the Tik Tok and Youtube skit that she was part of.

The Tik Tok challenge featured the same comedian and his song, “Do you know Dr. Hong?” which also became controversial for it’s inappropriate content. Involving Yerin, a female idol, in a challenge featuring this sexually-natured song seemed to add fuel to the fire.





  • Asking a female idol to do something like this… Oh, I really hate it.
  • Hah, what kind of agency is this? They ask a female idol to do something like this… I really don’t know.
  • Yerin’s solo debut song was good. But is this the same company as back then? Stop targeting Tik Tok and start investing in the song.
  • Yerin’s agency is so old. I just feel so bad for Yerin. They should get rid of this kind of stuff, but they make her do all sorts of weird things and the structure of things like popular reels is all messed up.
  • Wow, I really hate it.
  • They asked a female idol to write lyrics about sexual harassment.

What do you think about this?


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