This Actor’s Transformation For His Role In “Moving” Is So Shocking That You Probably Didn’t Recognize Him

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Actor Kim Joong Hee plays Rim Jae Seok, a north Korean black agent in Disney+ original, Moving. He convincingly played the role of a menacing threat to South Korean society. He stunned viewers with his acting and roughshod facade.

art_16952812734993_3304b5Kim Joong Hee as Rim Jae Seok.

His transformation was so convincing that fans were shocked when he posted a thank you message along with the finale. As he held up a placard to thank fans for tuning in, fans did a double-take when they saw that he had played Rim Jae Seok. After all, he looks so different!

w644L: Kim Joong Hee as Rim Jae Seok. R: Kim Joong Hee thanking fans. 

But you wouldn’t recognize him from his previous role either, in 2022, with Through The Darkness. There, he played a balding man in his later years.

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 12.35.44 AMKim Joong Hee in Through The Darkness.

With brown spots and a convincing grey wig, he pulled off the part of an aging criminal to the T.

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 12.35.49 AMKim Joong Hee in Through The Darkness.

Despite how he looks like in the drama, he’s actually born in 1984. This makes him a young 39 years old! He also showed off his acting chops in Mr. Sunshine, where he played a role closer to how he looks in real life.

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 12.35.57 AMKim Joong Hee in Mr. Sunshine

Fans were shocked to find out how the actor looks in real life. Here’s a photo of him looking dashing in a blazer.

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 12.36.09 AM

He certainly doesn’t look his age of 39, let alone the roughshod Rim Jae Seok!

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 12.36.03 AM

Netizens expressed their shock at his transformation. They were unable to recognize the star!

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 12.36.22 AMNetizen reactions. | theqoo
  • He really seems like a different person. The SFX was done better than just great.
  • No but, did he slap on a new face…?
  • Gasp, insane.
  • Huh?! I thought that his original looks was already in Through The Darkness… Oh my, who is he?? He’s practically switching up his face each time.
  • Wow… guess this what they mean by “slapping on a new face.”
  • You’re saying this is the same person?

We can hardly recognize him with each role! As an actor, this is a great plus point, but it can also be a detrimental one. It’s hard for one to imprint on viewers with a new face each time.


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