Meet The Most Badass Female Solidiers In Korea

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Earlier this year, Netflix announced its next big physical challenge program to follow Physical 100Siren: Survive The Island. 


In Siren: Survive The Island, twenty-four women with physically demanding careers formed six teams and battled it out on an uninhabited island. The teams were divided by profession: stuntwomen, soldiers, bodyguards, athletes, police officers, and firefighters.

The four-membered soldier team consisted of leader Kim Bom Eun, Kang Eun Mi, Lee Hyun Seon, and Kim Na Eun.

soldier| Netflix 20230906_sirencover2Team Soldier | @power_sunny_/Instagram

Kim Bom Eun served in the airborne unit and specialized in firearms during her service time. As part of her duties, she infiltrated enemies to gather intel.

She fills her profile with her many physical activities, including those on the more daring side, like sky-diving.

She is also extremely physically fit and flexible, somehow contorting her body unexpectedly.

373747783_958546131878890_237310139001012195_nKim Bom Eun | @Bomeumkimm/Instagram 283692824_732768644534246_1535064954429472199_n| @Bomeumkimm/Instagram

She also has a very beautiful family!

Kang Eun Mi also appeared on Physical: 100 and is currently active in the Special Warfare Command.

She is also active outside of her service, enjoying playing sports like soccer and other outdoor activities. She also seems to enjoy riding on her motorbike in her spare time!

Screen Shot 2023-09-20 at 4.18.09 PMKang Eun Mi | @kkang_raider/Instagram Screen Shot 2023-09-20 at 4.16.41 PM| @kkang_raider/Instagram

Lee Hyun Seon served the 707th Special Mission Group as part of the Counter-Terrorism Team. She doesn’t update her social media very often, but when she does, it usually shows off her impressive physical prowess.

Screen Shot 2023-09-20 at 4.23.46 PMLee Hyun Seon | @power_sunny_/Instagram

In addition to regular workouts, she also participates in wrestling.

Kim Na Eun also served in the Special Warfare Command, giving her outdoor experience. She is not as active online but has shared many photos alongside Kang Eun Mi.

Kim Na Eun enjoys meeting with friends and doing outdoor activities when not keeping in shape.

Screen Shot 2023-09-20 at 4.30.51 PMKim Na Eun | @__nnnnnk/Instagram Screen Shot 2023-09-20 at 4.32.38 PM| @__nnnnnk/Instagram

Meet some of Korea’s hottest female firefighters below!

Meet The Hottest Female Firefighters In Korea


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