Stray Kids’ Lee Know, Hyunjin, and Seungmin Involved In A Minor Car Accident — Upcoming Schedules To Be Changed

컨텐츠 정보



Stray KidsLee Know, Hyunjin, and Seungmin were recently involved in a minor accident and will have their schedules adjusted due to the injuries they received.

On September 20, JYP Entertainment announced that the vehicle three members were traveling in after a schedule was involved in a collision.

“Notice Regarding Stray Kids’ Schedule

Hello, this is JYPE.

While returning to their dorms after a schedule on September 20th (Wed), the vehicle carrying Stray Kids members Lee Know, Hyunjin, and Seungmin was involved in a minor collision.

After the minor collision, Lee Know, Hyunjin, and Seungmin immediately visited a hospital and received a thorough medical examination. None of the members and accompanying staff in the vehicle were seriously injured, but as they have sustained mild muscle pain and bruises, medical professionals have advised that they receive conservative treatment for the time being.”

— JYPE Entertainment

JYPE also shared that several schedules would be canceled, including Lee Know and Hyunjin’s Milan Fashion Week attendance and Seungmin’s Birthday YouTube Live. The group were also scheduled to perform at the Global Citizens Festival in New York but the performance will now be 3RACHA (Bang Chan, Changbin, and Han).

“Therefore, we inform you that the schedules below have been canceled or modified.

Milan Fashion Week (Lee Know, Hyunjin)
Seungmin’s Birthday YouTube Live (Seungmin)

3RACHA of Stray Kids (Bang Chan, Changbin, HAN) will perform at the Global Citizen Festival.
We apologize for causing fans to worry with such sudden news.
JYPE will place the artists’ health as the highest priority, and will provide everything we can to support their recovery.
Thank you.”

— JYPE Entertainment

You can read the full announcement below.

IMG_8154| JYP Entertainment

We wish Hyunjin, Lee Know, and Seungmin a speedy recovery!


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