IVE Yujin’s Hairstyle At Incheon Airport Receives Mixed Reactions From Netizens

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IVE‘s Yujin has gained attention after netizens have mixed reactions to her latest hairstyle when arriving at Incheon Airport for an overseas schedule.

329414361_920868359226482_756168IVE’s Yujin | @_yujin_an/Instagram

Over the years, Yujin has had a wide range of hairstyles, from debuting in IZ*ONE to IVE, and she has looked gorgeous with every style, allowing her visuals to shine and showcasing different sides to herself.

bf19b016ce34e3ea3541f0dfe2746c7aYujin has rocked short hair in the past 356801205_626851362531605_183653| @_yujin_an/Instagram screenshot (2)Her recent hair has been short, and shocked netizens

On September 18, Yujin arrived at Incheon Airport for an overseas schedule ahead of her fashion week appearance. As expected, the idol shined with her visuals and netizens were surprised by the new haircut. While Yujin has had short hair for a while, the style was unexpected for many.

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When the photos were posted, netizens could see the unique hairstyle a lot more.




When the photos were shared online, netizens had mixed reactions to the style. In particular, while many pointed out that Yujin’s beauty meant she could pull it off (with some praising the diversity of her looks), others just didn’t like the style at all and thought the cut itself wasn’t good.

yujin| theqoo
  • “I love it. She perfectly suits everything. Thank you for trying out various styles.”
  • “The hair itself is mediocre. The cut is bad… But Yujin’s face is everything and made it look okay.”
  • “She’s pretty, so, of course, it’s pretty, but I think I understand why companies have certain styles they prefer.”
  • “Her hair is bad, but her face and expression made it all better.”
  • “It’s strange. Of course, it’s pretty because Yujin is pretty, but if you cover her face, it looks like rats ate through it.”
  • “Why…”
  • “Only Yujin can pull this off… This is *shivers *. The haircut is so weird. It’s only pretty because it’s Yujin.”

While it might be a new haircut and netizens have mixed reactions, Yujin looks beautiful with every look, and her visuals allow her to pull everything off.


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