74-Year-Old Fashion Designer Goes Viral For “Ageless” Photos

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While aging is a natural part of life, many people often try to reverse its effects as they age. As such, netizens are often curious about those who defy the aging process and look young, naturally or through other means.

For example, a Taiwanese fashion designer woman has gone viral more than once for her teenager-like looks.

Where Is She Now? The 48-Year-Old Woman Who Still Looks Like A Teenager

Recently, another designer has attracted attention for her surprisingly youthful looks at 74!

Very few people involved in the fashion world are unfamiliar with Vera Wang. The designer has created dresses for over three decades and is known for her bridal wear.

wowSon Ye Jin (right) wearing a Vera Wang wedding gown in wedding photos with her husband, Hyun Bin (left) | VAST Entertainment

Vera Wang has also attracted attention repeatedly for her youthful looks. Looking at her face, you would never guess she is in her 70s!

One way Vera Wang has confused many about her age is how she dresses. Instead of trying to cover up as women are encouraged to do as they age, she wears whatever she wants, showing off her extremely fit body.

Screen Shot 2023-09-13 at 5.09.36 PMVera Wang | @verawang/Instagram Screen Shot 2023-09-13 at 5.09.50 PM| @verawang/Instagram

In fact, for her 74th birthday celebrations, Vera Wang wore a tube top and mini-skirt set!

356371966_1517184645480269_2517787509290914178_n (1)| @verawang/Instagram 356368930_793433722235131_241946442842194282_n| @verawang/Instagram Screen Shot 2023-09-13 at 5.14.17 PM| @verawang/Instagram

Through the years, Vera Wang has given fans who have asked tips on how she has appeared so young, crediting “work, sleep, a vodka cocktail, [and] not much sun” for her looks at one point.

Another tip she has given is never to skip a meal — her reasoning being that she needs to feed her brain!

Screen Shot 2023-09-13 at 5.15.18 PM| @verawang/Instagram Screen Shot 2023-09-13 at 5.27.46 PM| @verawang/Instagram

We can only hope to be as fabulous and successful as Vera Wang at any age!


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