“Come With Me”: Korean Streamer Sexually Harassed In Public During Live Broadcast

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The safety and privacy of content creators continue to come under scrutiny as a harrowing incident involving a Korean IRL streamer has recently gained attention. The disturbing event, which unfolded on live broadcast, saw the streamer get sexually harassed and assaulted by a man on the streets of Hong Kong. The incident has sparked an outpour of shock, concern, and outrage from netizens from all over the world.

Hong Kong Metro attack sept 11 2023 6-39 screenshot

The content creator, who is originally from South Korea, was broadcasting her day in Hong Kong and trying to find the best route home when she encountered a man at a tram station. After giving her a tip on what train line to hop on the man soon started following her as she attempted to distance herself from him and walk away.

Hong Kong Metro attack sept 11 2023 3-46 screenshot

He then managed to grab her arm while saying, “Listen, come with me. I’m alone.” The streamer can be heard repeatedly telling him no as she quickened her pace, desperately trying to evade the stranger. However, the confrontation escalated when she walked down to a metro station through a deserted stairwell.

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The man, relentlessly pursuing her, cornered the streamer, pinning her to a wall. Despite the streamer’s distress and pleas, the man continued his assault, insisting that he was “alone.” It was a spine-chilling sight to witness this unfold live, as viewers could only watch in horror, powerless and hoping for someone to intervene.

Streamer: I have to take [metro line]… No, no, no.

Man: Listen, listen, listen… I’m alone.

Streamer: I’m- I’m not alone. I’m not alone.

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Thankfully, the assault was interrupted when another passerby entered the stairwell, prompting the attacker to flee.

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The video has since gone viral, drawing attention to the perils faced by IRL streamers, particularly women. As these streamers broadcast their lives in real time, they are vulnerable to a myriad of risks, including stalking, doxxing, and, as seen in this incident, sexual assault. This isn’t an isolated case. Late last year, another Twitch streamer faced similar harassment, but that event ended with the man being jailed after authorities intervened.

twitchstreamer-dec2022Twitch streamer Hyojeong Park was harassed by a man who tried to kiss her and follow her on a bike. | @Beaver_r6/Twitter

One of the most alarming aspects of this recent event was the brazenness of the assailant. Despite the knowledge that his actions and identity were being broadcast live, he proceeded without hesitation. This boldness has sparked debates online about the audacity of perpetrators in today’s digital age.

Screenshot 2023-09-11 151530| Reddit

Following the assault, many netizens urged the streamer to report the incident to the police, especially since the attacker’s face was clearly visible in the video. However, the streamer has decided against it as per regular viewers, citing fears of potential retaliation due to her public status.


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