Rapper Microdot Makes His First Public Appearance Since His Parents’ Scam Controversy

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After being out of the spotlight for five years due to controversy, rapper Microdot finally appeared in public for the first time.


In 2018, Microdot was under fire when his parents were accused of borrowing millions of dollars from acquaintances and fleeing without paying off their debt in 1997. Shortly after the news broke out, Microdot released a statement claiming the rumors were false and that he was preparing to take legal action.

Rapper Microdot’s Parents Accused Of Scamming Dozens Out Of Nearly $2 Million

However, he later admitted that the accusations were true and apologized for saying the rumors were false. Although he expressed his regret to the victims affected by his parents’ actions, Microdot received a lot of criticism and disappeared from the entertainment scene.

On September 7, Microdot recently made his first public appearance since the controversy by attending Seoul Fashion Week.

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According to the information revealed during MBN‘s Exclusive World, Microdot’s parents served sentences of one and three years in prison in Korea and were deported to New Zealand.

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I was very shocked.

— Microdot

With his parents completing their sentences, their legal obligations have been fulfilled. However, Microdot expressed his commitment to reaching out to the victims and continuing his efforts to repay the debt.

He has been working at a restaurant for the past year to earn a living and repay the debt to the victims. He shared that he handles tasks like grilling meat, dishwashing, kitchen work, and restroom cleaning.

I haven’t been active for about 5 years, or you could say it’s my sixth year. [Working at the restaurant] is the most helpful source of income for me. It’s my only source of income,” he stated, mentioning that he works for over 12 hours on average each day.

— Microdot

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At the latest, I get off of work at around 1 a.m. or 2 a.m.

— Microdot

Microdot also provided an update on the compensation process, stating that he has reached agreements with 12 out of 13 victims and continues to attempt to contact the remaining one. He expressed his desire to apologize to those who suffered due to his parents and his gratitude to those who helped with the agreements. He emphasized that he will continue to make an effort to make amends.

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I’ve reached agreements with 12 out of 13 victims…

— Microdot

He shared that he owes the victims more than they lent his parents because of the time that has passed and the inflation that followed.

Despite the challenges he faces, Microdot shared his desire to resume his activities in Korea, knowing the criticism and backlash he will receive.

I’m doing my best to resolve this, and I’m prepared to receive a lot of criticism and blame in the future. I know it won’t be easy. Nevertheless, I want to achieve my dream of returning to the music scene and performing in front of the South Korean public again. I can’t give up on that dream.

— Microdot

Snapinsta.app_363262039_1324790098475938_3541166558629204517_n_1080| @93microdot/Instagram

Microdot gained popularity after appearing on variety shows like Channel A‘s The Fishermen and the City and MBC‘s I Live Alone in 2018 but halted his activities that same year due to the controversy surrounding his parents’ debt.


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