Netizens React To Dispatch’s Damning Exposé On “The Glory” Actress Kim Hieora’s Bullying Past

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Netizens reacted to Dispatch‘s exposé on Kim Hieora‘s troubled past.

Snapinsta.app_368166597_2808451095961576_7541696114234309722_n_1080Kim Hieora | @hereare0318/Instagram

On September 6, Dispatch released a damning article on Kim Hieora’s bullying past.

Dispatch Reveals Allegations Of “Uncanny Counter 2” And “The Glory” Star Kim Hieora’s School Violence And Bullying Past

In the article, Dispatch revealed Kim Hieora was part of her Middle School’s bullying ring while attending Sangji Girls’ Middle School in Wonju, a city in the Gangwon Province.

unnamed-7Kim Hieora with other students in middle school.

According to Dispatch, Kim Hieora was a member of Big Sangji, a gang known for extorting, physically assaulting, and verbally abusing other students. Dispatch backed up their report with photos of Kim Hieora with other Big Sangji members, as well as messages she wrote on Big Sangji’s online cafe.



  • December 1, 2003 – This punk lol, tried to mess with us but never came in the end lol -_- Come often you punk lol
  • March 7, 2004 – That’s what I said! lol [redacted] haha can’t go to church. . I love you lol, you’re pretty! If I’m lying, I’ll go to hell. This pretty unnie will go to karaoke with you! Will you bring the money? I’ll see you later. [Redacted] is actually quite pretty.
  • July 6, 2004 – [redacted] >.< have fun! Don’t just promote out there. [redacted]’s face is like a zombie
  • August 13, 2004 – Oh……. [redacted]….. why did you cry — seems like they hate people lol. Is this a joke lol. They’ll die if I see them.
  • August 17, 2004 – Oh lol. [redacted] would be good! Hey! You! Who! On 2-2 day (a day where couples celebrate their 22nd day together) uses an excuse of foreign money to not meet up? [redacted] is so angry he downed two bottles of alcohol!!

Kim Hieora personally addressed the allegations to Dispatch and admitted that bullying occurred but claimed that she herself had never taken part in it.

It’s true I gathered with the Big Sangji friends. I also was hit by the older students at the school for no reason. But I did not hit the younger students or my friends.

The 9th graders would suddenly request 100,000 won from us. We had no time, so we collected 50,000 won from us 8th graders and 50,000 won from the 7th graders.

I do admit I was a spectator to these things, and I am sorry.

But I did not participate in verbal abuse or assault. Why did my name come out in this? Was I next to you at that time? Was I passing by you? I never took the lead on this…

Maybe I didn’t take it seriously because it was the younger students who were being bullied. Thinking back on that, it was a big mistake for me to be a bystander

— Kim Hieora

Netizens reacted to the news, with many expressing shock and disappointment.

Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 2.04.50 PM

  • “The irony from so many people on The Glory, a drama about school bullying, turning out to be bullies themselves seem like performance art.”
  • “I also went to Middle School during that time, and the gangsters at our schools wore long skirts and shaggy haircuts.”
  • “Anyways, I can see what she thinks about the stage.”
  • “Everyone seems to think that since they weren’t tormented like the character from The Glory, they weren’t bullied.
  • “The pictures are proof…”
  • “So her acting came from experience.”
  • “F@ck, I got chills. So she was basically acting in a documentary.”
  • “You can tell she was a bully from her pictures.”
  • “Wow… Look at her pictures… It’s proof. Why do bullies all take photos like that? LOL.”

Kim Hieora was a rising actor who shot to stardom after appearing in Netflix‘s The Glory. In the K-Drama, the actor played a bully and drug addict.


What are your thoughts?



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