Here Are The Line Distributions For All 13 Songs ITZY Released In 2020

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ITZY, even though they’re still a very young group, has already found a ton of success in the K-Pop industry, with their music videos receiving hundreds of millions of views and their albums making hundreds of thousands of sales.


In 2020, they released two mini-albums — IT’z ME and Not Shy — which sold over 150k and about 220k units respectively. With their albums and songs performing so well, you might be curious to know whether all of these talented ladies are getting the same amount of time to shine.


Here are the line distributions for all 13 songs that ITZY released in 2020, as well as the total amount they each had for all of their songs in the year. Also included are their positions in the group, which can explain why their lines might be distributed as they are!



meta-chart - 2021-01-09T125808.259

Most lines: Yeji (29.1%)

2nd: Lia (21.6%)

3rd: Ryujin (18.6%)

4th: Yuna (16.6%)

5th: Chaeryeong (14%)

2. “Ting Ting Ting”

meta-chart - 2021-01-09T130236.983

Most lines: Chaeryeong (28.1%)

2nd: Yeji (26.9%)

3rd: Lia (20.3%)

4th: Ryujin (12.5%)

5th: Yuna (12.3%)

3. “That’s A No No”

meta-chart - 2021-01-09T130335.835

Most lines: Lia (30.7%)

2nd: Ryujin (24%)

3rd: Yeji (23.5%)

4th: Chaeryeong (11.1%)

5th: Yuna (10.6%)

4. “Nobody Like You”

meta-chart - 2021-01-09T130431.234

Most lines: Lia (24.2%)

2nd: Yeji (22%)

3rd: Yuna (18.8%)

4th: Ryujin (17.6%)

5th: Chaeryeong (17.3%)

5. “You Make Me”

meta-chart - 2021-01-09T130525.335

Most lines: Yeji (27.9%)

2nd: Chaeryeong (21.4%)

3rd: Lia (18.2%)

4th: Ryujin (16.5%)

5th: Yuna (16%)

6. “I Don’t Wanna Dance”

meta-chart - 2021-01-09T130621.572

Most lines: Ryujin (24.5%)

2nd: Yeji (22.3%)

3rd: Lia (22%)

4th: Chaeryeong (15.8%)

5th: Yuna (15.5%)

7. “24HRS”

meta-chart - 2021-01-09T130723.938

Most lines: Yeji (31.3%)

2nd: Chaeryeong (23.5%)

3rd: Lia (15.7%)

4th: Yuna (15.3%)

5th: Ryujin (14.2%)

Not Shy

1. “Not Shy”

meta-chart - 2021-01-09T130911.807

Most lines: Yeji (23.8%)

2nd: Yuna (21.4%)

3rd: Chaeryeong (19.7%)

4th: Lia (19.4%)

5th: Ryujin (15.8%)

2. “Don’t Give A What”

meta-chart - 2021-01-09T131026.875

Most lines: Yeji (22.8%)

2nd: Chaeryeong (21.8%)

3rd: Ryujin (20.5%)

4th: Lia (18.1%)

5th: Yuna (16.9%)

3. “Louder”

meta-chart - 2021-01-09T131129.237

Most lines: Lia (32.2%)

2nd: Ryujin (20.4%)

3rd: Yuna (16.7%)

4th: Chaeryeong (15.6%)

5th: Yeji (15.1%)

4. “iD”

meta-chart - 2021-01-09T131234.701

Most lines: Yuna (25.6%)

2nd: Ryujin (20.1%)

3rd: Lia (19.1%)

4th: Chaeryeong (18%)

5th: Yeji (17.2%)

5. “Surf”

meta-chart - 2021-01-09T131329.591

Most lines: Chaeryeong (24.4%)

2nd: Lia (22.9%)

3rd: Yeji (21.9%)

4th: Yuna (18.5%)

5th: Ryujin (12.4%)

6. “Be In Love”

meta-chart - 2021-01-09T131433.927

Most lines: Lia (36.7%)

2nd: Yeji (22.1%)

3rd: Chaeryeong (18.1%)

4th: Yuna (12.7%)

5th: Ryujin (10.4%)


meta-chart - 2021-01-09T134057.125

Most lines: Yeji (leader, main dancer, lead vocalist, sub-rapper): 23.5%

2nd: Lia (main vocalist, sub-rapper): 23.2%

3rd: Chaeryeong (main dancer, sub-vocalist, sub-rapper): 19.1%

4th: Ryujin (main rapper, lead dancer, sub-vocalist, center): 17.5%

5th: Yuna (lead rapper, lead dancer, sub-vocalist, visual, maknae): 16.7%


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