SEVENTEEN Seungkwan’s Survival Show, The Devil’s Plan, To Air Late September

컨텐츠 정보



On August 30th, Netflix released the teaser for a new survival show called The Devil’s Plan, where various celebrities compete using wit and intelligence for the ultimate prize of 500 million Korean won. Amongst this cast includes a familiar face.

F4VrVwubcAAv1ngSEVENTEEN Seungkwan | @pledis_boos/Instagram

After going on hiatus due to unspecified health-related issues,  SEVENTEEN Seungkwan was announced to continue activities for the group’s comeback in October. But before that, we’ll get to see him compete head to head in a competition of mind games.

the-devils-plan (1)Official teaser poster for “The Devil’s Plan” | Netflix Korea/Youtube

Not only are fans excited for his healthy return, but to see Seungkwan compete on the unique variety show. His competitive, smart, yet playful nature makes him the perfect candidate.

PLEDIS announced Seungkwan’s return to activities on August 16.

We anticipate that he will be able to return and meet his fans by September at the latest.

– Pledis Entertainment for Newsen

Seungkwan also took to Weverse to leave fans a reassuring message regarding the continuation of his activities as well as an update on his recovery.

Read more about Seungkwan’s hiatus and return below.

PLEDIS Entertainment Updates Regarding SEVENTEEN Seungkwan’s Return From Hiatus

The Devil’s Plan is set to release on September 26th.


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