5 Times Korean Celebrities Saved People’s Lives

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There have been many touching stories about Korean celebrities, but some stories have gone beyond touching. Here are five times Korean celebrities saved people’s lives.

1. BTS’s Jungkook saving Kim Sung Joo’s life

jungkookBTS’s Jungkook

kim sung jooKim Sung Joo

During an episode of Visiting Teacher, television personality Kim Sung Joo shared that Jungkook once saved his life.

Jungkook actually saved my life once. I almost died.

— Kim Sung Joo

He revealed that the incident happened during an event he was hosting, and it was right before BTS performed “FIRE”. For BTS’s performance, the members were individually going to get launched on stage by a below-stage lift.

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However, Kim Sung Joo didn’t see that the stage lifts had been lowered, so he ended up falling into the lift.

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Thankfully, Jungkook was there to save him from serious injuries.

I fell inside the lift but fell on top of someone. Jungkook was right there.

— Kim Sung Joo

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Now, whenever Kim Sung Joo sees BTS, he thanks Jungkook.

I say thank you to him every time I see BTS.

— Kim Sung Joo

2. Yoo Jae Suk saving a man’s life


Yoo Jae Suk ended up saving a man’s life with his kind act. The said man was serving in the military when he decided to end his life. At the time, the man’s family was going through a rough time, and he was an outcast without a friend.


The day he was going to commit suicide, he got assigned to look for manholes with a mine detector. While doing this, he got tired and went to go buy a drink. However, he soon realized that he didn’t have any money. 


The soldier then continued working until he turned around and saw Yoo Jae Suk. The man ended up greeting Yoo Jae Suk, and he responded warmly. Yoo Jae Suk even bought the soldier two cans of soda and an ice cream bar. 


This simple action caused the man to turn against his decision to commit suicide.

After that day, I was surprised by the amount of change I could feel inside myself.

3. Kim Hyun Joong saving an unconscious civilian’s life

kim hyun joong

At a Japanese restaurant in Jejudo, Kim Hyun Joong ended up saving the life of one of the cooks at the restaurant. At the restaurant, one of the cooks passed out, and Kim Hyun Joong immediately took action until medical professionals came.

He (Kim Hyun Joong) performed CPR for 8 to 9 minutes, applied ice, and gave the cook massages until 911 arrived at the scene. Then he explained everything to the medical professionals.

— Restaurant Owner

hjKBS News

4. Lee Yi Kyung saving a man’s life

lee yi kyung

Lee Yi Kyung once saved a man who was trying to commit suicide. The said man was drunk and trying to commit suicide by jumping in front of a driving truck. When the truck stopped, the drunk man attempted to get hit by a car. The truck driver soon got out and tried to catch the man.

trukcPhoto not related

Lee Yi Kyung was driving behind the truck that stopped, and soon got out of his car to help the truck driver catch the drunk man. The drunk man then tried to jump off of the Hannam Bridge, but Lee Yi Kyung was able to grab him so he couldn’t jump.

Lee Yi Kyung then gave the man his jacket since he was shivering from the cold and continued to hold onto him so that he couldn’t jump. Lee Yi Kyung stayed like this until local authorities safely stepped in.

5. Kang Ho Dong saving Girls’ Generation Sooyoung’s life

hodongKang Ho Dong

sooyoungGirls Generation’s Sooyoung

During an episode of Knowing Brothers, Kang Ho Dong shared a story of how he once saved Sooyoung’s life. He explained that when he was on stage with Sooyoung, he ended up saving her from a dangerous fall.

It happened 10 years ago. I was on a stage with Girls’ Generation’s Sooyoung, and there was an area on the stage that didn’t have any support fixtures. Sooyoung stepped on that area and it broke, so she was about to fall into the hole. But I grabbed her waist and pulled her back.

The craziest part is that my body reacted even before I thought about it. She was at risk of getting injured. Sooyoung called me her life savior, but I responded that anyone would have saved her in that situation.

— Kang Ho Dong


However, Kang Ho Dong also emphasized that he didn’t want to gain any attention from this story.

I didn’t tell this story to anyone for 10 years. Honestly, I don’t even like that I’m telling this story right now. I ask all the reporters in our country to refrain from writing news articles on this. I also ask all the viewers to forget about this story.”

— Kang Ho Dong


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