Legendary Actress Hit With Massive Backlash After Posting “Inappropriate” Pictures Of Her Family

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Ko So Young is being criticized for uploading pictures of her family in Japan on Korea’s Liberation Day.

optimize-77Jang Dong Gun (left) and Ko So Young (right) | Money Today

On August 15, the highly regarded actress uploaded pictures taken in Japan. In the pictures, the actress is shown taking in the sights of Japan with her family.

img_20230815221026_cb1872f7@kosoyoung_official/Instagram img_20230815221330_1ffb202a@kosoyoung_official/Instagram

Although there is nothing wrong with the actress uploading photos of her family, Ko So Young immediately came under fire because the photos were uploaded on Korea’s Liberation Day.

img_20230815221106_03f483b2@kosoyoung_official/Instagram img_20230815221146_99994a54@kosoyoung_official/Instagram img_20230815221238_a0a90f9d@kosoyoung_official/Instagram

Liberation Day commemorates Korea’s independence from 35 years under Japanese colonial rule. Korea gained its independence from Japan after Japan surrendered to the Allies in World War II.

independence_700-2Korean freedom fighters | Korea.net

Netizens criticized the actress and her husband, Jang Dong Gun, for uploading the pictures.

Screenshot 2023-08-16 at 11.44.30 AM

  • “My god, she should have waited another day to upload them.”
  • “Did she have to upload them yesterday? She should have thought about it before uploading the pictures.”
  • “If they went to Japan on Liberation Day, despite having all the time in the world, couldn’t they have waited and not uploaded the pictures on the same day? It’s not like they would die if they don’t upload them on Instagram.”
  • “Are they still vacationing in Japan? The couple are really ignorant.”
  • “This would be difficult to do even if done deliberately.”
  • “What are they teaching their children?”
  • “Wow…”
  • “Yesterday, I watched Jang Dong Gun’s Taegukgi on television, but it seems he was in Japan.”
  • “Wow, LOL. This is such a turnoff.”

Ko So Young has since taken down her posts and apologized for uploading the pictures.


I apologize for causing discomfort on an important day. I deleted the pictures as soon as I became aware of the controversy, but it was too late. I will be more cautious in the future.

Meanwhile, during Japan’s rule, the Japanese committed unspeakable atrocities, including forcing an estimated 500,000 Korean women into sexual slavery, murdering between 270,000 and 810,000 Koreans through forced labor, and abolishing the Korean language.

144127158637_20150904Comfort woman statue in Seoul | The Hankyoreh

What are your thoughts?


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