An Injured Fan Testifies To Kwon Eunbi’s True Character After Meeting Her Two Days In A Row

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Former IZ*ONE member and soloist Kwon Eunbi is one of the hottest K-Pop idols, especially after going viral for her sexy and dynamic performance during the 2023 WATERBOMB.

Snapinsta.app_366920598_849161986858615_4373604559758358408_n_1080Kwon Eunbi | @silver_rain.__/Instagram

After gaining even more popularity than before, Kwon Eunbi is at the center of attention, and stories are circulating about her as well. On August 13, a netizen posted a story in an online community with a testament to Kwon Eunbi’s true character.

According to Nate Pann, a fan Kwon Eunbi sees often got injured while attending her fan sign event. This fan told Kwon Eunbi that she got hurt and got a scar, and the next day, Kwon Eunbi—who knew that the fan would be there at her next schedule—gave the fan scar treatment ointment.

Screenshot 2023-08-15 at 9.32.26 PM| @KkaEeb/Twitter

The fan who received the medicine posted her experience on Twitter. She shared a picture and a video of her heart-fluttering interaction with Kwon Eunbi as a fan. The picture showed Kwon Eunbi’s signature that read, “Don’t be sick. It hurts my feelings.” In the video, Kwon Eunbi can be seen handing the medicine to the fan with a chic expression. The writer of the post called out Kwon Eunbi’s coolness and nonchalant attitude and called her a “legendary unnie.”


In addition, because Kwon Eunbi gave the medicine one day after she heard about it, it meant that she ordered the ointment with “Rocket Delivery,” a one-day quick-shipping function on an e-commerce app called Coupang. Impressed by Kwon Eunbi’s sweetness, the fan said that the singer was her healing ointment, such as FucidinMadecassol, and Dermatix Ultra, which are brands of healing ointments.

Let me share with you the 9,264,587th rumor about Kwon Eunbi…
What do you think about a woman who, after seeing that you got surgery, buys scar medicine with next-day shipping and gives it to you saying it’s important to treat scars?
Kwon Eunbi, you are my Fucidin, Madecassol, Dermatix Ultra…????

— @KkaEeB

This is not the first that rumors about Kwon Eunbi’s kindness have circulated online. Last year, she provided boxed lunches and drinks to fans who visited the studio she was filming in. She is also known for providing lunches for the people she works with, too.

Snapinsta.app_279114056_413937023411445_2275072570961422978_n_1080Kwon Eunbi gave her dancers boxed lunches. | @silver_rain.__/Instagram

Kwon Eunbi released her latest single, “The Flash,” on August 2.


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