Here Are 10+ Most Visual-Packed Moments From BTS’s 2020 Lotte Family Online Concert

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On September 27, Lotte brand held its 30th Lotte Duty Free Family Concert — though online this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic — and BTS graced the stage with their usual charisma and passion. Here are 10 most memorable moments from the concert, ICYMI!

1. That sleeveless shirt on Jin teasing us for a split second like-

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Who’s still breathing? WHO’S STILL BREATHING?

2. Guess why “Min Yoon Gi See Through” trended on Korean Twitter?

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The stylist responsible for this madness… deserves a fat raise.

3. A sweet, sweet dose of Vitamin J we all needed this year

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J-Hope‘s smile could light up a room, easy. He could light up an entire planet at that.

4. Charismatic leader-nim coming through

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Okay, but who else thinks he looks like a legitimate anime character in this glorious blue hair?

5. But have you seen his aegyo?

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ARMYs can handle this duality. They’ve been training years for this switch!

6. The most elegant hands on the face of this planet

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They move so magically, they’re mesmerizing. No one can look away… ???

7. O tell me, ARMY, what do angels look like?

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(Shows this GIF of Jimin singing and looking into the camera.)

8. V is for V-I-S-U-A-L

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We have the adorable poodle V back and it’s the best thing to have happened in 2020.

9. V is also for V-E-R-Y-S-E-X-Y

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Like, who would believe us if we said this is the same person that rocked the curly Qs?

10. His specialty is bias wrecking… even if it is already Jungkook

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There isn’t much to say: He is the GOLDEN maknae and we all know it.

11. Out to break his own most iconic ending fairy moment

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(Gasp) ?????

12. “If we are together, even the desert becomes the sea”

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How beautiful is this background transition?! BTS had ARMYs crying happy tears sitting on that stage of purple sea!


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