5+ Things You Might Not Know About “XO, Kitty” Actor Lee Sang Heon

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Since XO, Kitty came out on Netflix, viewers have been obsessed with the series.

fourAnna Catchcart as Kitty | Netflix

As with most romantic comedy shows, most viewers were fixated on their OTP (one true pairing) in Kitty (Anna Cathcart)’s love triangle that includes Dae (Choi Min Young), her original boyfriend, who she traveled to Korea to see…

XO-Kitty-Dae-Minyeong-ChoiChoi Min Young as Dae | Netflix

Yuri (Gia Kim), the unexpected plot twist of Kitty’s self-discovery journey…

threeGia Kim as Yuri | Netflix

And Min Ho (Lee Sang Heon), the rich enemy-to-love interest trope.

twoLee Sang Heon as Min Ho | Netflix

Although viewers may be torn about their favorite couple, there’s no denying that as far as favorite characters go, Min Ho is frequently mentioned. Whether fans are enjoying his humor…

His visuals…

Or his honesty, fans of the show love his character.

And fans are also obsessing over the actor who plays Min Ho, Lee Sang Heon, especially given XO, Kitty was his acting debut.

Here are six things you might not know about Sang Heon.

1. His sister played the role of Yuri

Although they have different last names, Lee Sang Heon and Gia Kim are siblings in real life. The two continually entertain fans with their close friendship, whether they’re enjoying music together

Or showing off their relatable sibling dynamic.

2. He’s an avid rock climber

Sang Heon has two Instagram accounts, one of which is entirely dedicated to his love of rock climbing.

Rock climbing is undeniably one of his greatest passions in life.

3. He has some similarities to Min Ho

Sang Heon surprised his cast mates with his similarities to Min Ho. Just like how Min Ho is often worried about his appearance and focused on his expensive skincare…

Fwlsk4dWAAEqovs| Netflix

According to Anna Cathcart, when Sang Heon visited her, one of his first questions was if she had a hair dryer.

The moment I met [Sang Heon], I was like ‘You’re actually Min Ho.‘ It was so funny.

He came to visit me in Vancouver recently and when he was at my apartment, he was like, ‘Do you have a hair dryer. You better have a hair dryer. I cannot believe anybody doesn’t have a hair dryer.

— Anna Cathcart

one(Back, left to right) Anthony Keyvan, Lee Sang Heon, (front, left to right) Choi Min Young, Anna Cathcart, Gia Kim | Seventeen/YouTube

Which felt eerily similar to a question Min Ho might have asked Kitty.

And I was like, ‘Everything that just happened is literally Min Ho.

— Anna Cathcart

4. He has a set skincare routine

Speaking of Sang Heon’s similarities to Min Ho, Sang Heon has a specific skincare routine.

two| Still Watching Netflix/YouTube

Which even his sister knew about.

threeGia Kim correctly guessed the number of steps in Lee Sang Heon’s skincare routine | Still Watching Netflix/YouTube

His four-step routine is “Toner, essence water, and then moisturizing cream, and then sunscreen.

5. He’s a romantic

In one of the cast’s many interviews, Gia admitted that all of the cast are romantics.

I think we’re all pretty romantic people. I think, right? We love love.

— Gia Kim

And this certainly includes Sang Heon, who selected a romance novel as the type of book he’s most likely to read…

fourThe options for book genres | BuzzFeed Celeb/YouTube

“Old Hollywood” as the theme of a costume party he’d want to attend…

fiveThe options for costume party themes | BuzzFeed Celeb/YouTube

And when Anna Cathcart admitted she hadn’t seen the romantic comedies included in the test they were taking, Sang Heon voiced his surprise.

sixEveryone was shocked Anna Cathcart hadn’t seen classic romantic comedies | BuzzFeed Celeb/YouTube

6. He’s a big Min Ho and Kitty supporter

Sang Heon continually voices his support for Min Ho and Kitty’s developing relationship. Fans jokingly suspect he may be an even bigger shipper than them.

You can read more about Sang Heon here.

Who Is Rising Star Lee Sang Heon? Meet The Actor Who Plays Kitty’s Enemies-To-Lovers Love Interest In “XO, Kitty”


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