3 Extremely Rare Occasions When K-Pop Groupmates Dated Each Other

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While it might be hard to believe, there have been some extreme cases in K-Pop when groupmates dated each other. Here’s a look at some of these extremely rare occasions.

1. Former Triple H members HyunA & Dawn

Triple H was a group under Cube Entertainment that was comprised of members HyunA, former PENTAGON member Dawn, and PENTAGON’s Hui.

triple h

When Triple H was active, some rumors were circulating that HyunA and Dawn were in a relationship, but Cube Entertainment denied this rumor.


Not long after Cube Entertainment denied the rumor, HyunA and Dawn revealed that the rumors were true and that they had been dating for several years!

We know that (our relationship) will stick with us but we both thought it would be difficult to see our fans on stage (if we didn’t announce it). So we wanted to honestly tell our fans who have loved us and showed us their support, and present ourselves confidently and joyfully on stage.

— HyunA & Dawn

After HyunA and Dawn made this shocking announcement, Cube Entertainment terminated both of their contracts due to “lost trust”.

2. Former D.I.P members Seungho & B.Nish

Seungho and B.Nish debuted as members of D.I.P in 2016. The two made a shocking reveal when they announced during an Instagram live that they were dating, and had been for several years.


In 2018, Seungho and B.Nish ended up leaving D.I.P.

3. Two unknown members of K’Pop

K’Pop was a group that reportedly disbanded due to two members dating each other. According to reports, two members of K’Pop were in a relationship, until one of them cheated with a male idol from another group. After this was discovered, the partner reportedly assaulted him.


This incident caused a rift between the members and eventually led to their disbandment.



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